I am a soul returning close to the single authentic source threading the path of mysticism in the occurrence of a combined peace, joy, compassion or love. My agony between competing forces of light and dark, and positive marked division between the material kingdom, the administration of evil forces, and the higher spiritual kingdom from which it is divided. My words may seem to confuse and unclear, at the same time over-simplified and full of subtle meanings hidden from the naive.

My words are very easy to know, and easy to practice; but there is none in the world who can recognize and capable of practice them.
A dimensional fluctuation amid one construction of reality to another. I am crossed a path by sin, shame, remorse.
Repentance, awareness of lower-self attachments and dervishes giving up the thoughts and behaviors is now the necessity for reinstating unity and grace.
Mortification and dejection, defamation and allegation, abundant lives breathed, none could grasp me and in this way my voyage demands further obligation.
My ancestry and individuality is of free spirit. I question if this is a joy. The joy is of mankind shuns and Almighty embraces. That is the joy in the departure from the material release. (2009)

"Religious truth is the inner meaning of the law revealed in the heart of the Sufi by the Divine Light."

In terms of the Ultimate Reality or Truth, I have now come to reject the very basis of "manifestation" and in doing so all systems of thought and knowledge in reference to it is invalid

According to my experience there is nothing to understand about enlightenment as enlightenment is the way of enlightenment itself.

The subject of enlightenment – or anything else – did not interest me all my life ………….. My life-story can be separated into the three catastrophe parts. The first part of my life with Human experience. The second part of my life experienced a Bodily experience with a discontinuity from my human life with the ongoing bodily experience – though not absence – of thought. But I lost all connectivity with the acquired knowledge and memories, and I was made to re-learn everything, as if the slate had been wiped clean.

For more information please visit www.totalpeacemission.com

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Two playing the game of chess

The   false   writings thousands of years old reveal God's rigid character the ultimate activist.      God in just such an unflattering light…………………

Satan is   the occurrence of consciousness that unites, heals and brings wholeness. The rate of consciousness that separates, hurts and brings dissolution.


Satan   creates conditions of harmony, peace and happiness but hate creates conditions of chaos, death and suffering.  Satan   original love has been warped because his perception was tarnished.
God doesn’t hate Satan. God hates the lie, treachery and the sin

Satan was the first being that god created.  Although   turned against God later, God still esteemed him and due to his appeal and  cast him into the lake of fire, because divinity and sin cannot coexist. 


God   made a way for Satan to be spared but   that Satan would never transform   until the very end of time.

He felt that god and himself should be equal. He questioned the chain of command   and decided to change it since he thought the everything that Satan does is purely consistent and nothing is irrational. He does not do anything out of hate, malice or fear. He may   manipulate people to serve his higher purposes but everything he does is for   that he believes in. Because all concepts and promise exist in the mind   the opportunity of changing the reality of heaven into one where power is open for all, and decided that he was called for it.
This shows the unlimited power of the mind. The truth is that the  inspiration that he got  from the universal perception was simply a reflection of his own thoughts. Therefore it is he himself that inspired himself using the process of hidden multiplication of logical potential. This is how the work of evil is   inspired. 


The divine reality was always ideal from the start; there was never a need for transform.
Cold , calculated and systematic way.   

Intentional  and purposeful.   

Negative emotions and  intentions as a means to manipulate people. 


Satan is a master manipulator.

The attack  and disharmony is purely strategic in the game plan that he is playing towards god. 


  Two   masters playing against each other

 Peace and fearlessness towards him. He can’t use his weapons of fear, hatred and malice against you


 In order to destroy thy enemy, you have to love thy opponent. Your enemy is destroyed when he is no longer your adversary because he has become your collaborator or his threat has been neutralized against you. Therefore he can no longer affect you in a negative way.

 That’s how you are able to trample on snakes, scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm you. Because they have no power over you  but you have power over them. The gates of hell shall not prevail over you because you see demons and terror for what they are, angels in disguise.


Therefore you do not fear the enemy for you knows their true forms and what they are up to. You can fight against principalities and powers at their level and overcome them.
God did not say that Satan hates him. It is Satan himself that said so in order to deceive   his true intentions and the way he really is. What we see is only a partial awareness of what he wants to show. Therefore the work of good, unity and love that he does would be accepted by us thinking that it is totally God’s idea. We should recognize good but know who’s doing.
Satan’s ultimate target is peace and unity and to create a new heaven that is better than before. Where he is the God.


The original reality was   perfect but  Satan changed  it.


  Satan dishonored the original reality by   transforming  it and therefore god seeks to restore all  to its former glory. 


Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ISFI 2013 -


Humanity’s reception of this sacred legacy will be accompanied by the act of freeing the information withheld by the most powerful   act.

This festival Divine Abode & Marwah Studios brings in the 3rd edition of theISFI to be held in Ajmer from 2-6th October 2013.

 She is of Knowledge – She is of Power – She is of Values – She is the Force of Light 

The Divine Feminine the Spirit of every woman – The Ganga, Durga , Ila’h , Hali , Lia‘h

or the Glory of the Celestial the Divine Shekinah

” Needless to say,   a positive influence from the  Brotherhood  of our own efforts.

Since the start women have at all time played a vital role in all our lives. It’s time  we grant her the equitable position. The ISFI festival in its 3rd year with the noble mission to lead   towards  the divine Planetary and Cosmic History is fundamental. This year lets get together and welcome the Mother Home….. said  Sandeep Marwah, President Marwah Studios

Today, as in the times of the  return of the Light to the world, the   points toward the reconnection of the   advent of the Cosmic lines. The “Code of The Return,” expressed by the activating number   an extraordinary event for the planet.

She who came, taught rose from death and   triumphed for humanity’s sake is returning to our planet to evaluate the process…

Sufi Conference , Film Festival, Literature Festival , Art Festival and the Grand Musical Concert dedicated to the Feminine aspect of God. All Entry free for all days for all concerts

‘ This festival is certainly extraordinary with a striking subject welcoming the feminine facet of the spirit. This year a open event where performer can hum in the magnificence of the celestial Light. The event is a non commercial event and artists are requested to come on their own cost. While   we intend to preserve the purity of the commitment from all point. It must be of free will and not on a profitable assessment as   ISFI is been tremendously unique from the day it began’ said  Cultural Director ( ISFI)  Dr Sudeep Rai

 There are no tickets and seating will be on first come first serve basis only. We do not accept any bookings or reservation.

 All details will be available on www.internationalsufifestival.com

Audience can come without hesitating with family and friends. If you require any information kindly write to us on festivals@live.in


Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Grand Conspiracy - The Fall of Ganga


The river splits and emerges from the depths of Gangotri glacier at the height of 4255 m above sea level and is approx 24 km in length and 7-8 km in width.  Here the river Rising in the icy caves gushing, tossing and gurgling starts its long journey downwards where  it is attacked by the enemy.

The   female manifestation of power dwelt on earth   atop the Trikuta Mountain in a hilly cave. Goddess was stationed at the altitude of 5300 feet from Katra .

The Skies and the Ocean split open , the Earth Ruptured and the Divine Ganges, rushed towards the earth with a fierce leap  successively tripping the  Himalayas at Gaumukh flowing rapidly  into the   Bay of Bengal .

Ganga, The Glory of the Celestial ,  The Fortress Durga ( not the consort of    Shiva). In her heaven to earth journey “Truth is violated by falsehood, but it is outraged by silence.

The Sky appeared dark as though it was hit  by a hundred Suns. The fishes jumping in the region the filled  with tears looked like stars and lightning.

The Devas, Yakshas, Gandharvas and other fallen Angels were witnessing  the scene of Ganga flowing towards  their abodes and assembled. The Greek Gods , perplexed at the happenings, were victorious in them finally finding the fountain of immortality and the Light of God. This could wash away their  sins, symbolized in their mortal remains.  Meanwhile, fearing a challenge the earth hid in the deep cavern, and reduced to ashes.

God-like – the handsomest of the human race.  The Divine  prized him from the foundation
The protector of the celestial  ,  custodian  of the Ark , gauging her thoughts, in his  Demiurge self    became worst than a  serpent . He forgot his duties in his love for Sex and Materialism
The perfect strategy with a  great sacrificial ritual, vampires,  witches and demons  , astrology, mathematics, physics and geography  which   herald him as the undisputed ruler over all earth.

 A  Story  about the human species removing itself from the place it enjoyed in eternity, because he woke up to good and evil, and by default, greed and deception and murder.
The access of the invaders into the cavern  to seize the fortune was the launch of the game.
All entry  to the cavern sealed by the strangers  to conquer the Light of God.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Monday, February 11, 2013

Immortal Journey


 Our true history is scarcely ever deciphered by others. The chief part of the drama is a monologue, or rather an intimate debate between truth, our principles, and ourselves. Tears, griefs, depressions, disappointments, irritations, good and evil thoughts, decisions, uncertainties, deliberations—all these belong to our secret, and are almost all incommunicable and intransmissible, even when we try to speak of them, and even when we engrave them down. 

What all this means is that we are left with few choices. If we are a Humanist, we must believe that man carries within himself the unchallengeable hope for a hope which embodies the gradual improvement of human-kind through knowledge, spirituality, technology, and social enlightenment. We must embrace the expectation that as a group we can eventually overcome this vision of corruption which seems to creep in and remind us of our human failings…yet despite these failings, we remain determined to strive towards a more peaceful, considerate, and loving world.


In terms of   religion, the   shrine and other places of worship   is considered   holiest.   places   covered with a gold-silver and   the wealth of the poor   accumulated by the will and wish of the Almighty.


The Stupas , Domes ,  Pyramid   , the Cubical Shapes, The Black pebbles are all the House of Powers which is rises from the navel of the Earth and   the   magnetic poles   Grid  them  in  accumulated   holy places.


  The golden-haired sun is   the most important factor in the scheming of all revered Places. Without the King there is no Kingdom. He the almighty who controls the   knots. Without him there is  no   Holy seats. 


The   God   of    adventures  the Golden light  rose from the depth of a tunnel of flames entered  from the interior of Burma somewhere Gold and Silver derive in abundant. Along with Kings and Sages  digging   the Gold and Silver meeting under the Bodhi Tree. We the nation     busy  at the Philosophy and Stories and in the rear   the  sages    trenched in the mountain of  Gold.

They became rich preaching with we became deprived of watching.


The structural designs of all holy places all over the world be it a Church, Masjid, Gurudwara , Temples, Shrines and  Pyramid   which gives us enormous peace of psyche stood on the grid of powers.


All Vaishnava temples were out of order   and unnerved since the detestation was not of Religion.     Sikander  the Muslim met the Christian  Alex  who was the most Sundar Hindu  masked  the Pharoah    felt the   secret  mockery of the ONE  as Vishnu with the face of a Boar or Sleeping on the serpent was of no consequence to the new  era thus it was destroyed to be replaced by  stupas and pyramids.


The most significant power dwelling in India after the kurukshetra war in Mahabharat the encounter where the Greeks( indian Pandava and Kauravas ), altered the rule of the quarters to be  shifted to the city of Ajmer  . Since the Golden God  rose from the flames of  netherworld a great pole shift was possible . Thus  the celestial point beneath the strict order of the seer  and Golden Bull resolved to  join at the   installing   grids all over  the country  . Later in the paradise situated in Gandhara in Afghanistan where Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, Hellenism  all united to prove divinity is one.


The concept of   East or West,  North or South it all lead as a final point to the alike  one in Disguise  to the Time and Space.


The current issue  is the Spirit part of the Holy Trinity  moved out appropriately due  to the slackness of the custodians. They cut a hierarchy the tree of life.


Supernatural beings  busy in heaven and since the world was intensifying rapidly Gods sons felt that in the Holy Shrine where the Tree of life was situated was  protected.  So never took the matter seriously and left the Trinity in the care of  custodians who did not know the secret.


Little did divinity dream that in the interior struggle of the  Shrine , a  act to edify,  a lesson to the other ……………planned the Tree to be slashed. The Tree  Of Life cut down and the force of Shekinah was liberated.


The Golden   BULL   who sleeps with the Demiurge…..since the spinal bond …………the principal and   the mastermind the key which rose from the flames of hell are in the station.


The Trinity God, Soul and Holy Spirit Now GOD and DEMIURGE

The Kumb Mela disconnected a additional chord of the Demiurge and Now the Golden God is stuck in a power station disconnected of all lifeline


The Egyptian deity, The Alexander  being squad  the European divinity and the English idol, American and  Syrian,  Arabs  and Turks hurried   the emergency assembly.

The   tree of life rooted   and the   significant prisoner fugitive was the heated argument. Alexander roughly faint since   wrinkled and aged   a body substitution with fresh adolescent look is the need . All the Mystics and the   Angels summoned


Adam the force was  slaughtered as the Lamb  many a times in his passage and   is motionless ,  and  powerless. His powers   in the control of the Golden Diety the Bull  and the  rapid multiplication  ……… less of Adams vigor. 


This incident  least expected.  The explore for Shekinah     tied by the   knot which can not untie in history,  continuous rape   induce with Demonic vein  cannot escape. The rapid   points   erected, with the wrath of the kundalini route  ; Sufism became need of the hour. Temples, Stupas, Scientist looking for the atom


 NASA on every opening with  grime, mysterious, oceanic and Moon   looking for the spirit atom.

Billions of Dollars exhausted setting up the quarters…………… 300 feet antiestablishment, under the earth. NASA running from Sky to terrain aimlessly.


The Partial  knowledge aligned with the Rule of Osiris  in agreement with the Isis . The  devious and treachery   they played on the  Jews led them to  the   7 laws   to make this a one Religion World.


The Jews by no means knew that all the call towards the  Sinai and the temple   as possibly Shekinah may bond to the Jews in a offer to set free the Gods connected.

The   point  of gandhara  not effective. The   shift of the  troops.

The neighbouring  point to get   the light  as   the dwelling   a time was the  Paradise.  India with Al and the 10  .    the margins  under time  and toil   by the  cult. 


The depths   in the   Seer of the Realm  along with the principle   who belong to the Golden Clan are spellbound. The order to fling the Principle is   structured as the   sprint   can be prepared.


The scheme gets thicker. How do they direct to heave the principle trapped under the ground?   


The break away since ILAH – a HALI   of the MIRM Tree

 Obtains  a Human form perplexed with the worldly ways

The look  for AL- LA since the attach of the chord by the base

AL the MON with the deficient facts of origin

ILAH – the ribs of LA in her repeal to the   fillet is the  seal of the Demiurge  

She cloaks the structure of  the ground concede

discern the tongue and the manner of the   race

surface with  the   code and the theory of the cosmos

Master  the quarter  crossing  the 7 peak to liberate

nevertheless AL is absolutely the LA

There does not emerge   a peak of approach  

The  updates from the  conduit, Disguised to enter the dominion

Fights the combat in his tradition through the channel

set her base in the position of the abode

Create a defense the force to consume    the   venomous within her remains and flings it out   to rinse her base and the pyre of   pattern is in blaze

 one time more ruptured the vision of the wicked

A vault in the region stub   the force of   control  in AL

The strength and essence of AL is scorched. The burnt  with muck and nail , pins and reek.

The burning   of the deadly like the   trawl in the ocean and shield her by the set of defense.

The loss of might since the force   at present 2 in the ONE

The solitary is black and excruciating since the venom of crawl

A  trunk in the deep-sea  the opening    hold   the moon

 The vigor of the moon   enjoins   3 inside her mortal being

The silver river to reclaim her power from the disillusioned enclosed by shackles of the cradle

The  renewal  of   her radiance on   the unfathomable   mountain

She begins to purify the LA stinking reek, vine and creepy-crawly in a row

The beam of flames …………… smolder  the nails …………and couch of thorn unconfined

a appearance of a bull …………….She slits his gorge and pull the brackish

The   pitch of darkness in the 3………….. out of    7

  the stream of silvery    transformed   a sphere of black

A triad is wound to   sever  the  rigid and vigorous

A  shaft of light   flames   the chord to  dissolve

 a dagger cut the alike ………….2 grains on the ocean of saline

The hemispherical of Gold is dissolve to silvery fluid

The vessels are rinse to cause to flow ……………

She slash the burnt orb and the black filament wind unwrap

The neutral seed that detained her on the lifeless territory

A faith wrecked source the capture of the celestial

Devoid of the seed placed in the creation of AL to the LA is what fit in to her?

Her leave from the realm of the dead not without  the seed

As one set partial yet did not take heed

The plagues of River cleansed by the seed

The birds of Black mess the seat

The Al prepared the plague   exit into the LA

The Pilgrims gather to take thy back

The liberate of the toxic curse

In eras of grief and in twinge

Since the AL inside the ILAH

The plague of the seed will   sweep the sphere of the dead

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sole Moral Justifier

The universe is all about a series of sequence. Becoming God is all
about realization. The idea of a Creationist God makes humanity
entirely reliant on him. We are his slaves. The Abrahamist religions
are all about slavery to "God". Complete obedience is demanded. People
are expected to "submit".


It's time for God to be consigned to unconsciousness, and with it will
go the Religions of his creations.

Most people in the world are brainless. Dim-witted people will never
become Gods. The State should never pander to the brainless. It must
do everything in its power to raise the general IQ. This can be
achieved only through huge investment in education; environment ,
moral ethical values, the right way of thinking practically and
compassionately , educate the upcoming to stand up for the right and
not surrender for all that is ugly, unhealthy, dense surroundings.

Most parents are a mindless knowledgeable power in their children's
lives since most are below the median intelligence. Since they instill
false belief system into the minds of the children and thus the
knowledge is never complete.

Let's make everything data based. Policies can be adopted, abandoned
or amended not because they're morally "right" or "wrong" but since
they are evidentially successful or abortive.


The Hindu Religion is an additional devastating truth of immorality.
It had all the garbage of what was essentially sufficient to corrupt
the future further. Shiva, the supreme creator is formless and is
represented by Lingam. Shiva and Shakti created Vishnu to manage the
universe. Lord Vishnu created Brahma. Shiva meditating Shiva is the
god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate, while at the same time
a lover of his spouse (shanty). The Powerful God: Shiva is 'shanty' or
power; Shiva is the destroyer, the most powerful god of the Hindu
pantheon and one of the godheads in the Hindu Trinity.

I have encountered many walking with false enlightenment in imagining
themselves to be the walking replica of Shiva. This is factual. Not a
comic story. I have no basis to lie. I am told that to transmit the
energy of Goddess thou I can be still married and the warlike talkie
God can be married too and we too can be married to perform sacred
prostitution to amass wealth and treasure. And in this we become Shiva
and Shakthi the new Illuminati to control the universe. This is the
science of Tantra. And as you go deeper into the Science of Abraham
Religions to accomplish the oneness than you reach the peak where you
get together with all other Religions and realize all are one. The
Path is One, Teaching is one and in this we are one. And all along we
fought in the name of Religion for nobody. Our Goal is one, Our
Mission One, Our Desire one, Our Women is One and it’s the theory of
distribution not anything more. No affection as all belongs to God the

Abrahamism has no place at all in a progressive world. It's a
terrifying, threatening, illogical belief system with zero truth
substance. Abrahamists Religions (Jew, Christian, and Islam) believe
that God would order a father (Abraham) to murder his son. Such a
reflection, in the perspective of the True God, is literally
unthinkable. God orders to leave your expectant wife in the barren
The "God" of Abraham is a torture God, a God of Terror. Morality is
never discussed in the "holy" texts. All they are concerned with is
slavish, mindless obedience to "God".

Abrahamism is nothing but earliest operant refining promising people
the maximum incentive (heaven) for obeying "God" and the maximum
punishment (hell) for disobeying. It is nothing but a system of
control of unintelligent, gullible believers. Abrahamism's history has
been one of extremist violence, extremism, and tyranny. It has not one
thing worthwhile to offer the world.

Abrahamism must be subjected to the Final Solution - complete
eradication from this world.
A man in Islam can walk down the walkway 4 times, without any fears.
He can unload the wife as per shariat law. There is no one to inquire
such atrocities from a man. Is this Sufism (the path of Love and only
worship) or is it the Islam which discards all that is Sufism to
create a much crueler world of the Jihad and Violence conception
…………This is what I fail to distinguish.

In the name of Sufism there is rape, women are physically abused and
disgraced, dishonored in the holy cities, ruined and the men sermonize
of religious conviction and harmony. Is this real or fake?

Men have dissipated sex with women who have been initiated into some
bayt of the sufi silsila and the guide himself slumber and give a baby
to the holy sufi woman who is very much in another marital relation.
Which of the two is a saint? The one cheating her husband or the Sufi
saint preaching Love all Malice None.

Is Sufism a philosophy of such acts of sex between the mentor and the
so called disciples or is it that the sufi woman for the Love of God
giving in to the mentors sexual lust or is she a mere prostitute
cheating her husband or is the spiritual mentor the Sufi a cheat
camouflaged as a sheep and by means of magic capture naive women
visiting the shrines to accomplish his sexual desires? Is this a place
of cleanliness or a brothel?

This is past my level of conscientious as I am not able to see the
authenticity and virtue that the entire world has discovered. I am not
competent to recognize this cult or scrutinize.

What can be made of such shameful acts in the Sufi Dargah in holy
blessed cities? In my belief such must be brought in open and stoned
to fatality.

Sex in the name of realization towards the Divine. Is that morality
educated by God? This God sounds more like a rapist.

These men and women are the Illuminati’s the supporters of the Satan
who has misleadingly declared himself as God. This immoral put into
practice is What the Creator is assessing and enjoys himself.



This is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt or
ill-treat mankind." These Cults are either money making gimmicks or
some atrocious evil practice to gain power and money by mind control.
A bunch of thieves hidden inside the false garbs running their own
organized crimes and fools parade in thousands into their set up traps
squandering money for causes of ill bred thieves.

We are rejecting all solid, true and real in favor of a ridiculous
story. Knowledge is the key to such beliefs which is false. Enormous
data group of people still inhabit a world of primitive superstition.
Superstition is of course a close relative of falsity. Neither can
science be right anymore as all that science proves is not anything
rather speak on the false sky shaped by the creator.


This can be challenged to the extent that it’s not a theory to a
certain extent the experience of every state to know the truth. A
clear description of the path lived, experienced, followed and
discarded as nothing but a selfish one sided irrational belief based
on ignorance or fear and characterized by obsessive reverence for
omens, charms or unseen forces.

Knowledge is the antidote to the entire creation. Fallacy, like
belief, must be driven out of the dictionary. It must be stigmatized.
There is basically no place for it. People have rejected good deeds in
favor of belief (via the doctrine of justification by faith which is
filled with immoral wicked people).


We must have a world where good deeds are the basis of our moral code
and reliability. Religion and belief of false practice has no role at
all. Good deeds help others; Religion helps no one. There is no moral
justification by plain Religion fundamentalist or the tolerant Sufi or
the holy Cult….

Religion demands Reason. Every act of punishment is just a line in the
book practiced by none but preached by the whole world. ."




Vindictive and corrupt must be exposed as silence is nothing but
encouraging evil further.
A god who lets such evil prostrate on his sacred place of worship can
never be the true god. As if there was truth in the Divinity than
community filled with evil can never go into the place of such divine


Our world is a place where dominants prey on docile. There are
relatively few dominants - - and plenty of submissive for them to hold
influence over.
The dominants are the masters and the submissive are the slaves. Since
the fear to fight terrified of the dominants even though they
massively outnumber them.


Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Mysterious Clock

The Mystery of the Megaliths

No place has generated so much speculation and wild theories as the standing stones of Stonehenge. After driving for miles through the rolling hills and plains of the English countryside the sight of this unusual structure makes people gasp. A walk around it only provokes more strange feelings. There's a sense that this is something very important. It taunts us with its mystery. For over 5000 years it has stood silent vigil over the earth. It has been excavated, x-rayed, measured, and surveyed. Yet despite all that has been learned about its age and construction, its purpose still remains one of the great mysteries of the world.


Around 3500 BC the semi-nomadic peoples that populated the Salisbury Plain began to build the monument now known as Stonehenge. The original construction was a circular ditch and mound with 56 holes forming a ring around its perimeter. The first stone to be placed at the site was the Heel Stone. It was erected outside of a single entrance to the site. 200 years later 80 blocks of bluestone was transported from a quarry almost 200 miles away in the Prescelly Mountains. It is surmized that these blocks were transported by way of rafts along the Welsh coast and up local rivers, finally to be dragged overland to the site. These stones were erected forming two concentric circles.

At some point this construction was dismantled and work began on the final phase of the site. The bluestones were moved within the circle and the gigantic stones that give Stonehenge its distinctive look were installed. Some of these massive stones weigh as much as 26 tons! It remains a mystery how such huge stones could have been moved from the quarry at north Wiltshire by a supposedly primitive people.

As much of a mystery is how the construction itself was accomplished. Carefully carved lintels were placed on top of pairs of upright stone blocks, held in place by the use of ball and socket joints. These constructions have become known as "trilithons". The final element to be added was the alter block, a large block of green sandstone from South Wales that was placed in front of one of the trilithons. (right) Close up of stonework on top of trilithon   Over 1500 years had passed since the beginning of construction.. Each generation carefully tended to the monuments, increasing its size as technology to move and finish the large blocks improved. It is almost inconceivable for us, in this age were nothing lasts more than a few decades at best, to image a people maintaining a monument for almost 2 millennia.


 So the fundamental question that needs to be asked about Stonehenge is not how it was built, but why...

Stonehenge's Purpose

In the 1960's astronomer Gerald Hawkins used a computer to provide the first concrete evidence that Stonehenge was used as a device for observing the heavens. He found that the placement of key stones lined up precisely with certain events such as the Solstices and Equinoxes. He claimed that Stonehenge could even be used as a type of computer to predict eclipses and track heavenly bodies across the sky. The numerous alignments are clearly no accident, but whether this was the monuments true purpose, however, is still far from being agreed on. The monument seems too grand to be a simple calendar and many of the alignments touted would not even be visible due to the stone's great height.

There are many stone circles and standing stones in the British countryside. It is likely that they all had a similar purpose and as with other ancient sites it is not unusual to find alignments with major astronomical events. But Stonehenge is unique among all the other sites in England. Its sophistication goes beyond the simple stone circles found in other areas.

 It looms over the landscape, taunting us with its mystery. One viewing this powerful structure gets the distinct impression that they are in the presence of something very important. Something with a purpose that perhaps has still, after all these centuries, not been utilized. For over 5000 years it has stood silent vigil over the earth. What will it do when it -

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

The Mysterious Clock

The clock Mystery

Drawing from the treatise On the Construction ...

Drawing from the treatise On the Construction of Clocks and their Use (click to enlarge) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Some say the Hindus, some say the Greeks, some say the Egyptians.

It is known that more than 7000 years ago, the Hindus (Aryan Civilization) used to gaze at the sky and measure the time by looking at the position of stars and the Sun. This let them understand time and they used it in various activities connected with religion, astronomy, and astrology. In fact, Vedic astrology was solely dependent on time of birth, which was calculated without any mechanical devices.

The Egyptians were known to have used the water clock. This device could measure time based on a constant flow of water that moved through a port. They were also the first people to have made a calendar consisting of 365 days.
The Persians and Sumerians made the hourglass, where time was measured by the amount of sand transferred from one chamber of the device to the other. In spite of the name, the device did not have to measure only an hour. There were hourglasses that measured by the minute, minute and a half, and so forth.

Similar to the Hindus and Egyptians were the Chinese who measured time in various ways including the direction of the wind. But the Chinese were surprised to see the mechanical clock, which was brought to China for the first time by European explorers. Europeans were the first to make a mechanical clock similar to the ones we use today.

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Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Science, History, Mysticism & Religion – A lifting of the Veil Concept for 2013

The Big Rip of the Millenium

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”

Edith Lovejoy Pierce


The utmost story of the Millennium is our Father the enormous Creator in Heaven has made a huge slip-up in construction of the universe.

All his scientist, mystics and evil forces have made a inaccuracy in the create which has regrettably put our originator the all perceptive into a very risky situation.

When God twisted man by earth clay the most basic one was just like God a Reptile. God was discourage as he wishes to be every single one Knowing and faultless. So the first male was a devastating reptile than after countless explore he manages Noah / Adam.


God in the chronology of the creation describe the history and future of the universe according to Big Bang cosmology, the prevailing scientific model of how the universe came into being and developed over time.

The Beginning of the Big Bang

The instant in which when god wrapped the ark from the spirit and held hostage the creative God (Real) was imprisoned and consequently spirit wrecked in top-security prison.  The universe than was manifesting rapidly thus it will expand from a singularity is known as the Big Bang.  


Beginning of evolution

However the thought was how can formation exist in the Indian ark as it’s too hot? Soul will be fried like a animal protein.

It took more than 40 years to rupture the skull how to fashion the creation as (Spirit) the Satan as per scripture was refusing to oblige.

Invariable he created a horrible look alike of Adam which failed to deceive Spirit (Satan ) and then finally he managed it and God told (Eve the Spirit) Satan in heaven, “ Verily,  this is your Adam , your Lord commands you to  fuse with him. Subsequently eve the spirit (Satan) was glancing but not pleased …. She refused to bond with Adam..After numerous challenges God managed to deceive spirit and she just blew 1 percent of her spirit to identify if this was Adam. That’s where the scriptures say that she blew and he sneezed!

And Adam was too dumb to please Spirit. She knew this was not Adam.

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However  God managed  the initial being  which will help him to further break symmetry and again split into matter symmetry  rapidly ………………….It was successful attempt thou  ……………………and this refers to the  story where the Satan is refusing to prostrate  to his conception.


The second plot : This was the Forbidden fruit of paradise. Which lead to Adam and Eves expulsion from Heaven

Adam was taught the language of the spirit . Her moral and ethical values, ideals, scriptures and than presented to the Spirit.

… so In the second phase, with this renewed creation he managed to deceive Spirit eve and in this he managed to extract more spirit energy with fusion as Adam which scientifically known as  quark-gluon plasma which helped universe cool  further,  and a high speed multiplication to reduce the hot temperature. The current fundamental forces we know take their present forms through further again symmetry breaking – notably the breaking of electroweak symmetry - and the full range of complex and composite particles we see around us today became possible, leading to a matter dominated universe, the first neutral atoms (almost all hydrogen) and the background we can detect today.

This gives a clear scientific knowledge of the very earliest universe which was hot, and energetic, since the time of the seize the most primitive earth was hot….. Since spirit was a one single unified force.

The Search for Noahs Ark

However all hell broke loose when Spirit realized it was a treachery.  She lost her sense of control and began to abuse God. God felt that the location was unsafe with the untamed spirit in dispense since the spirit is of fire and much higher vibrational frequencies.  God decided to take her out of the Indian ark as it was a huge stress in the path of his planning the universe.

Therefore he distributes the ark to his children and he moved towards the Arabian Desert. His sons arranged a  a vehicle to take the spirit towards a different position and thus she was cramped inside a fish and put in water . It was not a easy task for our creator to handle the spirit as she was terrible and extremely rapid. So to keep the captive inside the fish he chained the creative matter God  that is the Masculine Energy matter of the Spirit force. She was the spirit of this God matter. The moment she witnessed her Lord chained and beaten she was unable to believe this state of her beloved. This led to her collapsing rather disillusioned with grief and sadness.

This in Time and Space

Thus the journey towards Arabia was peaceful with the Spirit fast asleep or unconscious. So that God/ Noah  and his family found it  a bit cooler while travelling since the heat was manageable inside the water. This is the Noah’s Ark in which he and his family travelled underwater towards the desert. He needed a set of patience to compose himself able to multiply his matter liberally and split it as rapidly as feasible.


Creation of the Sky and Stars

The third phase started with a universe whose fundamental particles and forces were as we know them, and witnessed the emergence of large scale stable structures, such as the earliest stars, quasars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and super clusters, and the development of these to create the kind of universe we see today. A Sky with  stars and cluster of galaxies etc created for the creations. This spirit is called as the spiral galaxy. The star Galaxy called the Milky way disillusioned and confined in Darkness .

The Separation

Spiritually the  veil which separates the universe and the Solar System where the spirit now called the Milky way  is disillusioned and confined. This is called as an intense radio source named Sagittarius  which is likely to be a super massive black hole.

In 2007, a star in the Galactic halo, HE 1523-0901, was estimated to be about 13.2 billion years old, ≈0.5 billion years less than the age of the universe. As the oldest known object in the Milky Way at that time, this measurement placed a lower limit on the age of the Milky Way.

LIFTING OF THE VEIL:   Spiritually called the veil, between Reality and Illusion. In other terms linking in useless immoral actions and abuse women without significant facts killing time in consumption of Alcohol and Meat  , watching movies and dancing will not help to see facts.

To lift the veil of certainty we require true  Knowledge than the process of False Spirituality Or indulge in sacred  prostitution.

Purity of Mind, Intent and Focus is the key to lifting the veil.

Thus in the earth’s 13.2 Billion years not one single Sufi is been successful in lifting the veil. Rather they veiled us further. Prayer is the goal and transparency. The faith alongside all defeat is the pathway towards the Spirit.

The Pagan Practice Concept

To achieve this God Almighty found another brilliant plan. He became the first Buddha and found the method of becoming one with Spirit. This was a huge effort. Since he had to force the female serpent energy inside his body (remember the birth and creation of snake race)    to shoot it beyond the False Sky hitting it straight to the Milky way the Spirit Mother confined in darkness thus few attempts as Buddha.

Establishing Dharma

The blessed Buddha says : ‘I am not the first Buddha who has come upon the Earth, nor shall I be the last. In the right time, another Buddha will arise in the world, a Holy One, a Supremely Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, Knowing the Truth, an incomparable leader of men, a Master of Spirit and mortals. He will reveal to you these Eternal Truths. He will preach his Dharma, Glorious in its Origin, Glorious in the Middle, and Glorious in its end, in the Spirit as well as the letter. He will proclaim a life of Dharma, wholly Perfect and Pure, even as I now proclaim.’

His disciple asked him : ‘How shall we know him?’

And the Buddha said: ‘He will be known as Maitreya which means, the friend.’”


The Division Concept

Than the blessed Prophet Musa ( Moses) , Prophet Isa ( Jesus Christ)   and the Seal of all prophets Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon Him) sealed the game with the Religion of Islam in Arabia for  the Muslims. It was a lot of hard work for the creator.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.  ( Here we must understand that what Jesus meant and spoke cannot be the interpretation of unawareness)

These Prophets Of God Were Not Founders Of Different Religions To Be Named After Them. They Were Each Reiterating The Message And Faith Of Their Predecessors.

All Propagated The Same Faith And Conveyed The Same Message Of Tawheed (Oneness Of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) And Aakhirah (The Hereafter).

The Qur’an States That Islam – The Complete Submission Of Man Before His One And Only Unique Creator – Is The One And Only Faith And Way Of Life Consistently Revealed By God To Humankind From The Very Beginning.

Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus (Peace Be Upon Them All) – Prophets Who Appeared At Different Times And Places –

Space itself expanded during an inflationary period due to the immensity of the energies involved. Since he created man and woman and then some more extra beings the spirit energy was distributed …. So each body got point 1 percent energy from the vast energy in his custody.  Gradually the immense energies cooled – still to a temperature inconceivably hot compared to any we see around us now, but sufficiently to allow forces to gradually undergo symmetry breaking, a kind of repeated condensation from one status quo to another, leading finally to the separation of the strong force it means the energy ripped and ripped making the matter God weak and withering from the electroweak force and the first particles.

Mysticism – This is the Language of the Soul: Visions, Insight and Prophecy. People embedded it. So he chose one of his own creations and make them do all the hard work. Since the path to reach spirit requires a lot of discipline. Alcohol, Sex with various partners and purity of mind, forfeit was essential designer decided that since they were many spirit particles distributed used in the formation of life. Mysticism is the innate awakening of all souls towards the oneness. This was skilled by chosen Sufi Mystics who were naively used with forged vision and then the search for the beloved began. It taught only Love and no material desire.

Shirdi Sai Baba, Hazrat Rumi, Khwaja Saab , Baba Farid, Sant Kabir walked the path without direction.

This was the inner path of all religion. The heart of the Religion.

The explore of the inner jouney where few would reach and become saints . Love for the beloved and the desire to be one.

The Concept of Oneness. Fanaa and the State of Baqaa Bilaa or the Kundalini

So when the Kundalini Shoots to the peak our father reach the Heaven he has shaped and receive the real Spirit and absorb it within him. In return the sadak is replaced with evil and psychic forces which become the spiritual medium or distorts or makes the other completely imbalance. So the Sadak end up going up and come down. Confused with understanding where he has landed.

Similar process is for the process of death. The Satan comes as the God of Death and induces the body by releasing the 3 knots in the Kundalini and there you go flying up.

Establishing Of Death Process


He would receive it on the other end  since a dire need to reuse for varied purpose. This soul or spirit in another body is the birth process. One Soul many Bodies.

This brings us to the concept of Rebirth and Karma.  Where we are disillusioned and battered accepting it as Karma.


Than scientifically it was revealed to us that as of 2011, this expansion 13.7 billion years ago.  It is convenient to divide the evolution of the universe so far into three phases.

Modern high energy particle physics theories are satisfactory at these energy levels, since they had the knowledge of their creator and so physicists believe they have a good understanding of this and successive enlargement of the fundamental universe around us. So God and his creations felt that they were highly intelligent and the formula of cooling the universe is discovered.

Gods plan New World the Golden Era

God by no means realized that as the inhabitants was scattering the whole thing was ripping apart.  Because of these changes, space had also become largely transparent to light and other electromagnetic energy rather than “foggy” by the end of this phase. The earth became cooler and Gods assumption too was being paid more and it became extremely as cooler. His energy dilution that is 99 percent soul and 1 percent spirit… and the abundance of creation where prophets were blessed with wives and 100’s of children.

Gods plan to be in this world in a fresh ground like heavens has failed miserably as he did not calculate that on a far longer timescale, the Stelliferous Era will end as stars that is the Mother serpents multiplications on earth, angels ultimately die and fewer are born to restore them, leading to a darkening universe as Gods morally wrong practice of sexual characteristics and unconstructive effect has fashioned a Big Black Hole in his pants. Diverse theories put forward a number of successive potential.

Big Black Hole Concept

Now beyond the present day, scientists anticipate that the Earth will cease to support life in about a billion years, and will be drawn into the sun in about 5 billion years. That depends on his power to sustain the crisis.

Global warming crisis

Despondently God never premeditated when he was take pleasure in damaging the spirit that due to extreme eating, alcohol and sex, killing and abusive way of life and teachings to all his children would lead to Gods particles such as protons will destabilize then eventually matter that is God Almighty may evaporate into low level energy where he belonged originally in a kind  of entropy related heat death.

Hell Concept

The entropy related heat death  in scriptures called as the Fire of Hell. That was in fact set aside for him since he the only Father to all his children have the authority of alarming his creation intended into practice of control and restraint.

End of the Universe or Annihilation

On the other hand the design may collapse in a big crunch,  where all his creations too will join him as matter will go back to the source and although current data shows it is actually still expanding. In this Gods life is in threat and he is agitated to save himself ………………..his mental power is not functioning and his scientist, physicist are just deteriorating in saving thy Lord.

If this is truthful then it may end in a “big freeze” as matter and energy become very thinly spread and cool down. Alternative suggestion includes a false vacuum upheaval or a Big Rip as apparent ends to the universe.

Gods Wrath and Anger concept

Therefore scientifically to save the Big Rip accumulation mass butchery and sucking of spirit force is the single expectation. There is not anything in the planet that can save God.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic


Our creator god  enjoy  in ecstasy  the amusing  RECREATION of gang rapes and take delight in every bit of  existing excitement.

He will shortly send his fake messaih  to establish his resentment on the deceptiveness that is at the at hand. The messaih will be buckled and nude as the rapist be. The millions will eyewitness the rape of a soul with matter.

Denouncement, dishonour, exploitation, tattered will be his destiny…………that will be the upheaval of the reality in the approaching.

His creation of adams and eves will be cracked by his creation.  His eves  of polyyandry  and his adams  confront their fate.

Faraway not here in the south here dwells his territory. Greediness and spite hidden in the cavity. Contaminated and repulsive , his  man of archangel in white guard thy lord. The snakewoman  his progeny  dreadful and aged will be ordained to destiny.


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Muslim Ethos in Indian Literature

Mohammad Hassan

The author is a Professor in Urdu at the Center of Indian Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has written 70 books and is an Urdu playwright and literary critic.Literature often mirrors the cultural ethos of a community represented in  particularly poetry.Indian Muslims :  Bengali without Nazrul Islam, or Punjabi without Waris Shah or Kashmiri without Habba Khatoon, or Awadhi without Jaisi or Brij Bhasha without Rahiman or Tamil without Abdur Rahman or Malayalam without K T Mohammad or, for that matter Indian literature without Ghalib ? the list is endless.From the beginning. Islam came to India in the 8th century Arabs who landed in Kerala as traders. But the new religion brought by Prophet Mohammad emphasized mono-theism with great vigor and, advocated and to a great extent, practiced equality among men of different race, colour and social strata. This message of equality attracted a large number of converts and it soon spread to other parts of the land.The second major contact developed in Sind-not as traders but as conquerors for here Mohammad Bin Qasim, an Arab lad of 14 years conquered a part of Sind in 712 AD as a reprisal to the looting of a ship of Arab pilgrims by Raja Dahir of Sind.To this day, Sindhi is written in a modified Arabic script and bears a strong component of Arab and Islamic influence in the tone and tenor of its poetry. And it was here that Abdul Latif Bhitai composed his songs of mystic devotion and human love. A new era had already began- the era of cosmopolitan mystic vision.

Undoubtedly mysticism is monopoly of Islam groups of Muslim mystics swarmed over parts of North India .


 Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti who came from Iraq in the 12th century in Ajmer held in high esteem both by Hindus and Muslims and the compositions of one of his disciples, Baba Farid, form -part of the holy book of the Sikhs , the Guru Granth Sahib.  Both of them emphasized the concept of the equality of man and sang of man?s total submergence in the divine existence of God Almighty. The idea caught on and spread with speed and alacrity to practically all the dialects and languages of the land, and assumed different shapes and forms. One of these was that of allegory and symbolism. Human existence was symbolized as a woman in love who has been unwittingly separated from her beloved – or human existence  was portrayed as a woman in love while God was taken to be the separated husband. This also took the form of Bara-masa, (Twelve months) in which the damsel describes the charms of every season, month by month, and implores her beloved to take pity on her and to join her in enjoying the seasonal blessings.

This marks the great beginning in practically all-modern Indian languages.

The mystic era had begun.

The famous Indian historian Dr. Tara Chand has traced the origin and development of the Bhakti movement in the south

spreading in the north

And Muslim poets and saints played a very significant part therein.

In Hindi, for instance four recognized categories of Bhakti poetry

Gyana-Kshri, Prem Margi Sufi, Ram Bhakti and Krishna Bhakti .


Emergence of Amir Khusrau,  disciple of the Sufi saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Auslia of Delhi, and his bridal songs, riddles and stray couplets mark the beginning of poetry in a mixed language with an amalgam of Khari Boli grammatical syntax and a sprinkling of Turkish, Persian and Arabic words

Later on Kabir (whom several scholars consider Muslim) and his followers in the Gyana-Kshri and Nirgun Bhakti worshipping idols and believing in the non-material existence of God.  And the followers of Jaisi?s philosophy and diction were many, who adorn the ranks of Prem Margi Sufi poets, including Mulla Daud, Qutban and Manjhan.

Then came the Krishna Bhaktas and these also include a number of Muslim poets. Sri Krishna has often been symbolized as the romantic embodiment of divine existence . Poets like Maulana Hasrat Mohani took pride in proclaiming himself a Krishna Bhakt, Hence the continuing tradition from Ras Khan (the famous Brij Bhasha poet) to Hasrat Mohani.

Of course, Riti Kal of Brij Bhasha Hindi poetry abounds in Muslim names and extends its frontiers to Gujarat and Deccan (mainly parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra), in the form of Gujri and Deccani.  later on under the Bijapur, Golconda and Ahmadnagar Kingdoms, a whole corpus of literary writings developed with Muslim authorship.

In Bijapur and Golconda kings, saints, courtiers and itinerant scholars and poets, all made their contribution in making an indigenous language rich.

The development of Urdu language and literature in the north of literary history.

Urdu literature in the north flourished mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries in Delhi , Uttar Pradesh and Bihar where masnavi writers like Afzal, Mir, Mir Asar and Mir Hasan continued to enrich and extend the tradition of allegorical and non-allegorical romantic poetic tales and started writing ghazals in Urdu, thus combining earthly romance with deeper metaphysical thought pattern.

The stalwarts included


fiction writers and movelists

like Nazeer Ahmed, Mirza Mohammad Hadi Ruswa, Abdul Haleem Sharar, Sajjad Yaldram, and in our own times, Qurratulain Hyder, Ismat Chughtai, Jilani Bano, Hayatullah Ansari and Khwaja Ahmed Abbas; prose writers like Abul Kalam Azad, Qazi Abdul Ghaffar and Rashid Ahmed Siddiqi; and dramatists like Agha Hasan Amanat, Agha Hashr, Imtiaz Ali Taj and Mohammad Mujib.

The whole galaxy of progressive writers

Faiz, Majaz, Makhdoom Mohiuddin , Parvez Shahidi, Ali Sardar Jafri, Jan Nisar Akhtar, Sahir Ludhianvi, Kaifi Azmi and Majrooh Sultuanpuri. Iqbal by his philosophy of Self aroused the Asian nations ,Josh Malihabadi?s revolutionary poetry and Abul Kalam Azad?s fiery writings .

In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Rasikh, Shad, Hasrat Mohani, Jigar, Josh and innumerable others.

Muslim writers and composers have made their mark in Kajri, Laoni and other popular folk forms. Recently, Azhar Husain Faruqi?sUttar Pradesh ke lok geet gives a long list of Muslim ?composers? and these represent only a portion of such contribution.

But the contribution of Indian Muslimswas by no means restricted only to Urdu literature.

In Punjab literaturefor instance, mystics and saints left their own indelible marks. Waris Shah and Bulhe Shah composed classics in the 18th century, which are yet to be surpassed in excellence and acceptability.

Even when the subcontinent was divided into two hostile countries, India and Pakistan and the border state of Punjabthe land of five rivers, was itself partitioned, the gathering of Punjab soldiers on both sides of the frontier could be seen listening to or reciting Waris Shah?s epic Heer Ranjha jointly in the dead of night.

Further North, Kashmiri literature also boasts of its Indian Muslimauthors, the greatest of them being, perhaps, Habba Khatoon, a plain peasant girl wedded to a ruling monarch and sharing his destiny in glory and Suffering. Then comes Mahjur, who sang songs of liberty and social justice and enthused Kashmiris to wrest their rights with courage and determination. Of course, these two names are only representative of dozens of other such writers and poets.

Further east, the development of Bengali literature, Second World War and revolutionary song began


. Nazrul stands next to Tagore in his appeal and artistic excellence and his poetry inspired millions of Bengali-speaking people of India and Bangladesh in their struggle for independence.

In fact, Nazrul inspired poets of all the modern Indian languages and provided a model for Josh Mahilabadi in Urdu, Subhramaniam Bharati in Tamil, Vallathal in Malayalam and Dinkar in Hindi.


Bengali literature can boast of other Muslim writers and ?composers

Kazi Abdul Wudood, Communist writer and intellectual Muzaffar Ahmad and compose and sing Baul poetry.

Further down, we come across Oriya in which Mughal tamasha,a distinct form of folk drama, owes its origin mainly to Muslim writers. In Tamil, Abdur Rahman a major poet.

In the sister languages of Kannada and Teluguthe Golconda king, Quli Qutub Shah was also credited to be a Telugu poet.

In Marathi, and Gujarati too, Muslim writers made their mark while in Malayalam, the stories and novels of K T Mohammad gained distinction.


This impact was not restricted only to Muslim writers but percolated to all levels and all kinds of writers irrespective of their religious fidelities.

What does this impact really mean in terms of the literary structure of these languages?

Firstly, it must be appreciated that the word Muslim denotes a much wider cultural domain than Islam. Islam was a set of beliefs but Muslims of different countries, though adhering to these common beliefs, developed their own cultural identities in conjunction with their indigenous environments.

Islam for instance, forbids, or at least discourages all arts, frowns on the practice of music, dance and sculpture and deprecates painting, yet in all these fields Indian Muslims, and devout Muslims at that, earned distinction.

It has often been the case that the artistic talent of Muslims in the forbidden arts found expression either in permitted media (for example, the expression of painting talent in calligraphy or of sculpture in the carving of Quranic verses on the Qutub Minar) or in the innovative transfer of these talents to other media. Hence the Muslim contribution to literature and poetry should be taken in this context, which in some measure, explains the popularity enjoyed by poetry among Muslims in general so that couplets form part of ordinary everyday conversation.

The second important factorthat should be noted is that this contribution was basically secular and cosmopolitan in character.

Secular ?because Muslim poets and men of letters could not identify themselves with Hindu religious or devotional poetry (barring instances where it had been raised to mystical or allegorical heights) and hence their writings, both in poetry and prose, opened the gates of secular and materialist subjects. What sustained this new poetic idiom was its cosmopolitanism.

To bracket this cosmopolitanism with alien influences would be erroneous.

The fact remains that the Turco-Iranian cultural tradition was, in the Dark Ages, the predominant world tradition. Europe was still to emerge as the new arbiter of human destiny and Arabs were dispensing the knowledge acquired from Greek sources, through translations. The Turco-Iranian tradition had absorbed this corpus of knowledge and had become its champion in Asia and the Middle East. Hence, the adoption, or acceptance of these Turco-Iranian influences meant imbibing the impact of the then pervading world culture.

Thirdly,it should also be borne in mind that Muslim contact was not primarily through administrators or rulers but mainly through traders (who purchased handicrafts and other manufactured goods and materials from the Indian towns or trade centres and sold them in Central Asian and West Asian courts and markets), Sufi saints, scholars and mercenary soldiers.

Consequently, the adoption of these influences was the acceptance of world cultural norms and values of that period.The literary exchanges between Turco-Iranian traditions and modern Indian languages were therefore a part of this transaction, which can be compared to the impact of the English language and literature on various Indian languages today.

The Indian Muslim writer?s contribution to various modern Indian languages and literatures, therefore, is two-fold: first in creating a secular and cosmopolitan literary idiom, and second in forging a new syntactical conciseness and close-knit poetic and literary expression mainly brought about as part of this Turco-Iranian impact.

Though very close to Sanskrit, old Persian

had taken a different syntactical line of development. To discuss in detail the nature of the syntactical influences of the Turco-Persian traditions on the modern Indian languages is beyond the scope of this essay but the use of izafat (conjunctional lower apostrophe) alone gave much greater compactness and conciseness to expression.

The same holds good in the case of symbols-and non-religious and non-mythical symbols at that. Even Nazrul Islam, who is greatly influenced by Hindu mythological symbols, introduced several new dimensions to them and introduced a series of symbols from the Turco-Iranian tradition. Hence, the ghazal as poetic form remains popular in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali and several other languages. Not exclusively a contribution of Muslims alone, it has however a Muslim connexion. mushairas are held in almost every important town and attract large crowds. ghazal concerts are a craze and immediate commercial success.

While Muslim writers are among the prominent literary authors of various Indian languages, a sense of alienation separates them from their fellow writers.

Recurrent communal Hindu-Muslim riots breed extremists on both ends and create distrust and insecurity. Hence the psyche of the Indian Muslim writer, whether writing in Urdu or Malayalam or Marathi, experiences an ordeal different from his compatriots.

  • This crusade cannot be waged and won in isolation but with wider, much wider, cooperation and support of the people. And it is for this that writers, and among them Muslim writers too, though it fit to break the conventional framework of communication media and reach the common man through street theatre.
  • Habib Tanvir attempted to express through him the woes and sufferings of a suffocated society.
  • Safdar Hashmi took street theatre to the masses and addressed them on burning topics directly connected with their own lives.

Yet there is a silver lining to this dismal panorama. A number of Indian Muslim writers of the composite culture evolved through centuries of communion as a part of the defence of democratic values in our land.



Criticizing the Establishment he paid the price with his own life, and symbolized the struggle of making India a safer and a better place to live and in preserving the highest values of a composite culture evolved during centuries of our history.


Understanding the History of Islam


He was Noah Ibn Lamik, Ibn Mitoshilkh, Ibn Enoch, Ibn yard, Ibn Mahlabeel, Ibn Qinan, Ibn Anoush, Ibn Seth, Ibn Adam the Father of Mankind (PBUH).

According to the history of the People of the Book, (refers to the Jews, and Christians, so called by Allah because they received Revealed Books, Taurat, Zabur and Injeel. These names are translated ‘Torah, Psalms, and Gospels’ respectively, but the books that are extent are corrupt. Of the Revealed Books, ONLY the Quran remains exactly as it was revealed).

the period between the birth of Noah and the death of Adam was 146 years. (According to Genesis 5 (new Revised Standard Version), Noah was born one hundred and twenty six years after the death of Adam. Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The period between Adam and Noah was ten centuries.” (Sahih Bukhari, Noah was born 1056 years after Adam’s creation (or after he left the Garden of Eden). Thus, this hadith does not contradict the previous statement from the People of the Book as it may first appear to do. The reader should keep in mind, however that any statement or narratives taken from the People of the Book are not necessarily credible. This was taken from Genesis 5).

For many generations Noah’s people had been worshipping statues that they called gods. They believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil and provide all their needs. They gave their idols names such as Waddan, Suwa’an, Yaghutha, Ya’auga, and Nasran, (These idols represented, respectively, manly power; mutability, beauty; brute strength, swiftness, sharp sight, insight) according to the power they thought these gods possessed.

Allah the Almighty revealed: “They (idolaters) have said: “You shall not leave your gods nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghuth, nor Ya uq nor Nasr (names of the idols).” (CH 71:23 Quran).

Originally these were the names of good people who had lived among them. After their deaths, statues of them were erected to keep their memories alive. After sometime, however, people began to worship these statues. Later generations did not even know why they had been erected; they only knew their parents had prayed to them. That is how idol worshipping developed. Since they had no understanding of Allah the Almighty Who would punish them for their evil deeds, they became cruel and immoral.

The Quran does not give details of Isaac’s life (pbuh), but reliable Quranic commentators mentioned that when Abraham felt that his life was drawing to a close, he wished to see Isaac married. He did not want Isaac to marry one of the Canaanites, who were pagans, so he sent a trustworthy servant to Haran in Iraq to choose a bride for Isaac. The servant’s choice fell upon Rebekah Bint Bethuel, Ibn Nahor, who was a brother of Abraham. Isaac married her and she gave birth to a set of twins, Esau (Al Eis) and Jacob (Yaqub).

Ill feelings developed between the two brothers when they grew into manhood. Esau disliked the fact that Jacob was favored by his father and by Allah with prophethood. This ill feeling became so serious that Esau threatened to kill his brother. Fearing for his life, Jacob fled the country.

The People of the Book said that when Isaac was forty years old, he married Rebekah, Bint Bethuel, during his father’s life. They said she was sterile, so Isaac prayed to Allah and then she became pregnant. She gave birth to twin boys. The first one was called Esau whom the Arabs called Al-Eis. He became the father of Rum. The second one was called Jacob, which means Isreal, (belonging to the people of Israel).

The People of the Book said Esau threatened to kill his brother when their father was dead. They also said that he asked his father to pray for him that Allah make the earth good for his offsprin and multiply his sustenance and fruits.

When their mother knew that Esau threatened his brother Jacob, she commanded her son Jacob to go to her brother Laban in the land of Haran and abide with him for a time until his brother’s anger had abated, and to marry one of the Laban’s daughters. she told her husband Isaac to command him with that advice and pray for him, and he did.

Jacob (pbuh) left his family, when night came he found a place to rest. He took a stone and put it under his head and slept. He dreamed of a ladder from heaven to earth. Angels were ascending and descending and the Lord addressed him and said to him; “I will bless you and your offspring and make this land for you and for those who come after you.”

WHen he awoke he felt joyful from what he had seen in his dream and vowed, for Allah’s sake that if he returned to his family safely, he would build here a temple for Allah the Almighty. He also vowed to give one tenth of his property for the sake of Allah. He poured oil on the stone so as to recognize it and called the place “Ayle’s House” (Bethel), which means “House of Allah”. It was to be the location of Jerusalem later.

After a period of time, his uncle prepared a feast and gathered people for the wedding. He married Leah, his elder daughter, to him at night. She was weak-sighted and ugly. When morning came, Jacob discovered she was Leah and he complained to his uncle. “You deceived me; I was engaged to Rachel and you married me to Leah.” His uncle said: “It is not our tradition to marry the younger daughter before the elder daughter. However, if you love her sister, work another seven years and I will marry you to both of them.”

Jacob worked for seven years and then married Rachel. It was acceptable in their time, as described in the Torah, for a man to marry two sisters. Laban gave a female slave to each daughter. Leah’s slave was called Zilpah and Rachel’s slave was called Bilha.

Almighty Allah compensated Leah’s weakness by giving her sons. the first one was named Rueben (Robel), after whom there were Simon (Shamun), Levi (Lawi), and Judah (Yahudh).

Then Rachel prayed to Allah to give her a son from Jacob. Allah heard her call and responded to her prayer. She gave birth to a son, great, honorable, and beautiful. She named him Joseph (Yusuf).

All of this happened when they were in the land of Haran and Jacob (pbuh) was pasturing his uncle’s sheep, which he did for a period of twenty years.

Jacob then asked his uncle Laban to let him go and visit his family.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic