The false writings thousands of years old reveal God's rigid character the ultimate activist. God in just such an unflattering light…………………
Satan is the occurrence of consciousness that unites, heals and brings wholeness. The rate of consciousness that separates, hurts and brings dissolution.
Satan creates conditions of harmony, peace and happiness but hate creates conditions of chaos, death and suffering. Satan original love has been warped because his perception was tarnished.
God doesn’t hate Satan. God hates the lie, treachery and the sin
Satan was the first being that god created. Although turned against God later, God still esteemed him and due to his appeal and cast him into the lake of fire, because divinity and sin cannot coexist.
God made a way for Satan to be spared but that Satan would never transform until the very end of time.
He felt that god and himself should be equal. He questioned the chain of command and decided to change it since he thought the everything that Satan does is purely consistent and nothing is irrational. He does not do anything out of hate, malice or fear. He may manipulate people to serve his higher purposes but everything he does is for that he believes in. Because all concepts and promise exist in the mind the opportunity of changing the reality of heaven into one where power is open for all, and decided that he was called for it.
This shows the unlimited power of the mind. The truth is that the inspiration that he got from the universal perception was simply a reflection of his own thoughts. Therefore it is he himself that inspired himself using the process of hidden multiplication of logical potential. This is how the work of evil is inspired.
The divine reality was always ideal from the start; there was never a need for transform.
Cold , calculated and systematic way.
Intentional and purposeful.
Negative emotions and intentions as a means to manipulate people.
Satan is a master manipulator.
The attack and disharmony is purely strategic in the game plan that he is playing towards god.
Two masters playing against each other
Peace and fearlessness towards him. He can’t use his weapons of fear, hatred and malice against you
In order to destroy thy enemy, you have to love thy opponent. Your enemy is destroyed when he is no longer your adversary because he has become your collaborator or his threat has been neutralized against you. Therefore he can no longer affect you in a negative way.
That’s how you are able to trample on snakes, scorpions and nothing shall by any means harm you. Because they have no power over you but you have power over them. The gates of hell shall not prevail over you because you see demons and terror for what they are, angels in disguise.
Therefore you do not fear the enemy for you knows their true forms and what they are up to. You can fight against principalities and powers at their level and overcome them.
God did not say that Satan hates him. It is Satan himself that said so in order to deceive his true intentions and the way he really is. What we see is only a partial awareness of what he wants to show. Therefore the work of good, unity and love that he does would be accepted by us thinking that it is totally God’s idea. We should recognize good but know who’s doing.
Satan’s ultimate target is peace and unity and to create a new heaven that is better than before. Where he is the God.
The original reality was perfect but Satan changed it.