I am a soul returning close to the single authentic source threading the path of mysticism in the occurrence of a combined peace, joy, compassion or love. My agony between competing forces of light and dark, and positive marked division between the material kingdom, the administration of evil forces, and the higher spiritual kingdom from which it is divided. My words may seem to confuse and unclear, at the same time over-simplified and full of subtle meanings hidden from the naive.

My words are very easy to know, and easy to practice; but there is none in the world who can recognize and capable of practice them.
A dimensional fluctuation amid one construction of reality to another. I am crossed a path by sin, shame, remorse.
Repentance, awareness of lower-self attachments and dervishes giving up the thoughts and behaviors is now the necessity for reinstating unity and grace.
Mortification and dejection, defamation and allegation, abundant lives breathed, none could grasp me and in this way my voyage demands further obligation.
My ancestry and individuality is of free spirit. I question if this is a joy. The joy is of mankind shuns and Almighty embraces. That is the joy in the departure from the material release. (2009)

"Religious truth is the inner meaning of the law revealed in the heart of the Sufi by the Divine Light."

In terms of the Ultimate Reality or Truth, I have now come to reject the very basis of "manifestation" and in doing so all systems of thought and knowledge in reference to it is invalid

According to my experience there is nothing to understand about enlightenment as enlightenment is the way of enlightenment itself.

The subject of enlightenment – or anything else – did not interest me all my life ………….. My life-story can be separated into the three catastrophe parts. The first part of my life with Human experience. The second part of my life experienced a Bodily experience with a discontinuity from my human life with the ongoing bodily experience – though not absence – of thought. But I lost all connectivity with the acquired knowledge and memories, and I was made to re-learn everything, as if the slate had been wiped clean.

For more information please visit www.totalpeacemission.com

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

International Sufi Festival India 2011

In October , Ajmer will be hosting Ajmer’s first World Sufi Festival, with the aim of capturing positive messages about peace and love that have been around for centuries and recognised in the east and west. These messages are often conveyed through arts and culture.

The International Sufi Festival India 2011 is a yearly festival that will take place in Picholia, Ajmer, Rajasthan. It brings together performers and artists from around the world.
The festival features a bazaar, food samples, art, craft, film, music, and poetry, encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme. Sufi arts, culture and heritage are at the heart of the programme. Workshops and presentations are also given with discussions of Sufi themes.
The festival aims to capture and project the messages and spirit of Sufism.

Sufism is a mystical way of life, which emphasises the unity of all religions. It plays a part in the lives of people of all religions and the festival will greatly promote this by helping to better understand where we have come from and what we have in common. It will highlight the importance of treating all countries with fairness and respect and bring to all people more understanding of our heritage and history.

The festival promises to be an entertaining and enchanting week with events inside and outside. It’s from 21st Oct 2011 to Oct 27th 2011 with lead up events including workshops for the community. The festival itself will showcase performers, artists, crafts, fashion, poetry, from the local area, the India and abroad, encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme.

Be a Part of The Prestigious Event.

For Booking of your Passes: Contact Showfest Productions - Event & Entertainment - Atul Agarwal - +91 9351728335/ 9414259240

For Booking of the Stalls: +91 9351728335/ 9414259240

Participation: Call Divine Abode: +91- 7665555758/ 9166679893 0r Email : festivals@live.in / gulshafawzia@hotmail.com

Posted via email from Gulsha Fawzia Begum

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

International Sufi Festival India 2011

In October , Ajmer will be hosting Ajmer’s first World Sufi Festival, with the aim of capturing positive messages about peace and love that have been around for centuries and recognised in the east and west.

These messages are often conveyed through arts and culture. 

The International Sufi Festival India 2011 is a yearly festival that will take place in Picholia, Ajmer, Rajasthan. It brings together performers and artists from around the world. The festival features a bazaar, food samples, art, craft, film, music, and poetry, encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme. Sufi arts, culture and heritage are at the heart of the programme. Workshops and presentations are also given with discussions of Sufi themes. The festival aims to capture and project the messages and spirit of Sufism. 

Sufism is a mystical way of life, which emphasises the unity of all religions. It plays a part in the lives of people of all religions and the festival will greatly promote this by helping to better understand where we have come from and what we have in common. It will highlight the importance of treating all countries with fairness and respect and bring to all people more understanding of our heritage and history. 

The festival promises to be an entertaining and enchanting week with events inside and outside. It’s from 21st Oct 2011 to Oct 27th 2011 with lead up events including workshops for the community. The festival itself will showcase performers, artists, crafts, fashion, poetry, from the local area, the India and abroad, encompassing both the traditional and modern around the Sufi theme. Be a Part of The Prestigious Event. 

Posted via email from Gulsha Fawzia Begum

Recreate Yourself

To be a survivor–first you must bleed. You bleed all that was inside of you: the pain, the memories, the fear, the wounds fusing together, the ties to what was in, all its forms. You bleed not once but several times.. And when you are empty, you either fade into a shadow or find the strength, and courage to live. When you stand up again, you are for a time, hollow–empty, like a bottle of beer lying on the street, cracked and reeking of its bitter contents. Then you fill yourself up with the new, your recreate yourself–you reform. You don’t have the same heart or mind. The way you see the world is forever changed.

I am In Love

My Journey began with the concept of I don’t believe in God.  These days I breathe the Divine Light. It’s as thou I have a Love story to reveal. He makes me cry, punish me however loves me unconditionally. I have reached a top where I can’t live without Him. He protects me, guides me and speaks to me all the time. I now feel I am beyond doubt in LOVE.

There was a period when I struggled between the earthy relationships and fought with the Divine to let me go as I have no curiosity to walk any path. I wished to live a ordinary life. However Now I feel as thou I am being kidnapped from all who seem to be not true and the Divine has stolen me away. Refined me, into being a mystic, understanding the mystical realm, the language, the journey. 

He taught me to Love, write, skilled me in sketching, Art, Knowledge, guidance, direction.

He swept me off my feet with HIS patience with my impatience. He Loved me thou I had Hatred and a HUGE Mountain of Complaints. He taught me the true meaning of LOVE. Indeed I have now journeyed towards a dense mystical Jungle, where Love has completely grasped my intellect.

He takes care of my basic life. He decides my every decision. He dominates me.

 I am completely in Love with Love.


 Gulsha Fawzia Begum
Kamaluddin Charitable Trust / Divine Abode ( NPO)

Posted via email from Gulsha Fawzia Begum

Monday, January 3, 2011

International Sufi Festival India 2011

Reserve your passes from 01-03-2011 on +91 9351728335. Art & Poetry will be Honoured This Year. A 7 day Event with Art, Craft, Rajasthani Folk, Sufi Music, Ghazals, Rajsthani Mandana Art Exhibition, Workshops, Sufi Sama, Interfaith Discussions and many more . Local Artisians will be given a platform to exhibit their work. The Programme begins every evening from 4pm until 9 pm with a 30 minutes Break. The Programme Itenary will be posted soon. If you are interested in the stalls or wish to be a participant Kindly write to festivals@live.in

Light, Peace & Blessings


 Gulsha Fawzia Begum
 Divine Abode ( NPO)
Website: http://divineabode.info

Posted via email from Gulsha Fawzia Begum