I am a soul returning close to the single authentic source threading the path of mysticism in the occurrence of a combined peace, joy, compassion or love. My agony between competing forces of light and dark, and positive marked division between the material kingdom, the administration of evil forces, and the higher spiritual kingdom from which it is divided. My words may seem to confuse and unclear, at the same time over-simplified and full of subtle meanings hidden from the naive.

My words are very easy to know, and easy to practice; but there is none in the world who can recognize and capable of practice them.
A dimensional fluctuation amid one construction of reality to another. I am crossed a path by sin, shame, remorse.
Repentance, awareness of lower-self attachments and dervishes giving up the thoughts and behaviors is now the necessity for reinstating unity and grace.
Mortification and dejection, defamation and allegation, abundant lives breathed, none could grasp me and in this way my voyage demands further obligation.
My ancestry and individuality is of free spirit. I question if this is a joy. The joy is of mankind shuns and Almighty embraces. That is the joy in the departure from the material release. (2009)

"Religious truth is the inner meaning of the law revealed in the heart of the Sufi by the Divine Light."

In terms of the Ultimate Reality or Truth, I have now come to reject the very basis of "manifestation" and in doing so all systems of thought and knowledge in reference to it is invalid

According to my experience there is nothing to understand about enlightenment as enlightenment is the way of enlightenment itself.

The subject of enlightenment – or anything else – did not interest me all my life ………….. My life-story can be separated into the three catastrophe parts. The first part of my life with Human experience. The second part of my life experienced a Bodily experience with a discontinuity from my human life with the ongoing bodily experience – though not absence – of thought. But I lost all connectivity with the acquired knowledge and memories, and I was made to re-learn everything, as if the slate had been wiped clean.

For more information please visit www.totalpeacemission.com

Monday, October 22, 2012

The King of Qawwals Niazi Nizami Brothers

The Dynamic Presence of the Religious Head of the Ajmer Shariff Dargah
at the ISFI Sufi Award

A ceremony which brings the humanity collectively without the basis of
religion is what is required. A Festival of this quality with much
honesty towards the mission without any agendas must be conducted not
just in Ajmer relatively in every part of the world since it unites us
without any barriers and distributes the message of harmony and
worship’ said The Dargah Deewan, also the Sajjada Nasheen and the
Religious Head of Ajmer shrine, Syed Zainual Abedin Ali Khan at the
ISFI Awards and the Closing Ceremony of the 8 day International Sufi
festival in the holy city of Ajmer. The cities beaucrats, politicians,
VVIP’s, the guest were delighted at the ten minutes Electrifying
presence of the Dargah Deewan, the head of the Chishtiyyah Order. The
Deewan Saheb‘s presence on the introductory day and the closing
ceremony was by itself a acknowledgement and acceptance of the ISFI
Festival in the city.

The Second Edition of International Sufi Festival brought in the new
addition of the ISFI Awards. The Award is to honor the Sufi Community
of Artiste and Singers. Apart from the ISFI Platinum award conferred
to Padmabhushan Ustaad Ghulam Mustafa Khan Saheb for his long lasting
contribution. The ISFI Prestigious Gold Award for the Best Sufi
Singers was awarded to the Qadar Niazi and Hyder Hassan Nizami.

Qadar Niazi is associated with the Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia and
Hazrat Amir Khusro, New Delhi, as a Darbari Aastana singer. He learned
from his illustrious father, Ustad Inam Ahmed Khan. He hails from the
family of traditional Gharana musician and reputed Qawwal who
traditionally enjoyed the patronage of Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah
Zafar. He belongs to the legendry Hapur Gharana which gave Indian
musical giants such as Ustad Kubre Mohammad Khan, Ustad Shaadi Khan
and Ustad Murad Khan. Most of his ancestors were the court Musician
and they were top classical vocalist as well as Dhurpadiyas for more
than 700 years. As the most sought after Qawwali artist, Qadar Niazi
has performed at many international venues in countries like U.K.,
Scotland, New Zealand, Singapore, Mecca and Medina, Jeddah, Riyadh
(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Muscat, Oman, Iran, Tanzania and recently
in Afghanistan. He is one of the most famous Qawwali singers in the
Sufi Styles, Aastana Gayaki as well as the Modern Qawwali tradition.

The Dargah Dewan also the Sajjada Nasheen and the Religious Head of
Ajmer shrine, Syed Zainual Abedin Ali Khan conferred the Platinum
Award to Padmabhushan Ustaad Ghulam Mustafa Khan Saheb for his long
lasting contribution in the field of Music and ISFI GOLD Award was
awarded to Niazi Nizami brothers. Hyder Nizami says ' We are indeed
grateful to Sultan UL Hind Khwaja Saab for the respect given to us
here. And also feel that receiving the Award from the Deewan Saheb is
the consent from the Aulia himself. Qadar Niazi was short of words at
the winning of the ISFI Gold Award and said nothing much just that he
cannot thank Khwaja Saab for the striking endorsement that has come to
him and his group.

Additional Collector Mohammad Hanif himself a great lover of music and
a devotee of Khwaja Saab said ' That the decision to give away the
Gold Award to the Niazi Nizami Group was the right decision taken by
the jury in New Delhi. He added they were the best and each word
formed a energy within the body. That was the dedication and respect
towards the Spiritual Sama they have had this day. Further he invited
them to sing at the Urs Festival in Ajmer and also to be a part of the
ISFI Festival the next year too.

Brigadier PK Singh said that the Niazi Nizami were the right choice
for their tremendous singing. They deserved the honor.
Mr Sandeep Marwah, Also from the organizing committee and a member of
the ISFI Jury said that we are glad to have made the right decision as
the Niazi Nizami Brothers connected to the audience and they have
scored the highest in all aspects. Singing with refinement and
respect, tremendous powerful voice and Master in various forms of

Manisha Gulyani from the Jaipur Gharana too enthralled the viewers
with her Dance and the spectators felt the whirling was miraculously
and brilliantly performed and presented.
Mr Mahindra Singh Ralawta, Congress President said that the Raqs was
undeniably very charismatic and her language in the entire series was
very divine.
Dr Sudeep Rai said that the Jury looks into all aspects before
conferring a Award and above all the important factor is the
involvement of Service towards the society is also taken into concern.

The Festival Director and Chairperson Divine Abode Foundation added
that there is no denying of the fact that the arrival of the Respected
Dewan Saheb was of a great significance and the energy in the
auditorium was tremendous. His presence made the audience feel highly
spiritual . And The energy he carries and the respect he received from
the guests is beyond words . Deewan Saheb by himself carries a great
energy which is beyond expression.

International Sufi Festival in its second year introduced the ISFI Awards.
ISFI awards celebrating the world’s best Sufi artiste.
The ISFI Platinum award was awarded to Padmabhushan Ghulam Mustafa Khan Saheb
The ISFI Gold Award for Best Sufi Singing group – Niazi Nizami
Brothers, New Delhi
ISFI Gold Best Sufi Artiste for Hindustani Raqs – Manisha Gulyani
ISFI Gold Best Sufi Painting – Michael Templin, Germany
ISFI Chief Patron Award – Mr Sandeep Marwah, Dr Sudeep Rai
The Award Ceremony took place in the holy city of Ajmer on the 11th
October 2012 at the Jawahar Rang Manch. A Prestigious Award given to
the Sufi Artiste to acknowledge their contribution in the field of
Sufi Art and Culture.

Website: www.sufipaintings.com
International Sufi Festival India
Website: www.isfiajmer.com

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic