The clock Mystery
Drawing from the treatise On the Construction of Clocks and their Use (click to enlarge) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some say the Hindus, some say the Greeks, some say the Egyptians.
It is known that more than 7000 years ago, the Hindus (Aryan Civilization) used to gaze at the sky and measure the time by looking at the position of stars and the Sun. This let them understand time and they used it in various activities connected with religion, astronomy, and astrology. In fact, Vedic astrology was solely dependent on time of birth, which was calculated without any mechanical devices.
The Egyptians were known to have used the water clock. This device could measure time based on a constant flow of water that moved through a port. They were also the first people to have made a calendar consisting of 365 days.
The Persians and Sumerians made the hourglass, where time was measured by the amount of sand transferred from one chamber of the device to the other. In spite of the name, the device did not have to measure only an hour. There were hourglasses that measured by the minute, minute and a half, and so forth.
Similar to the Hindus and Egyptians were the Chinese who measured time in various ways including the direction of the wind. But the Chinese were surprised to see the mechanical clock, which was brought to China for the first time by European explorers. Europeans were the first to make a mechanical clock similar to the ones we use today.