Jihad of the heart (jihad bil qalb/nafs) is concerned with combatting
the devil and in the attempt to escape his persuasion to evil. This
type of Jihad was regarded as the greater jihad (al-jihad al-akbar).
Jihad by the tongue (jihad bil lisan) is concerned with speaking the
truth and spreading the word of Islam with one's tongue.
Jihad by the hand (jihad bil yad) refers to choosing to do what is
right and to combat injustice and what is wrong with action.
Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif) refers to qital fi sabilillah
(armed fighting in the way of God, or holy war), the most common usage
by Salafi Muslims and offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood. Warm Regards Light, Peace & Blessings Gulsha Fawzia Begum
the devil and in the attempt to escape his persuasion to evil. This
type of Jihad was regarded as the greater jihad (al-jihad al-akbar).
Jihad by the tongue (jihad bil lisan) is concerned with speaking the
truth and spreading the word of Islam with one's tongue.
Jihad by the hand (jihad bil yad) refers to choosing to do what is
right and to combat injustice and what is wrong with action.
Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif) refers to qital fi sabilillah
(armed fighting in the way of God, or holy war), the most common usage
by Salafi Muslims and offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood. Warm Regards Light, Peace & Blessings Gulsha Fawzia Begum