Natural generosity is limited by circumstances and relations within our own circle and, outside of these, is often vindictive. Love ignores all limits, by forgiveness.The love of which we speak is not natural, but supernatural. By faith and good works under God's grace, nourished by our Sacraments, - but this love we have toward Him must redound to all His creatures.
By moving from a little metaphor to a big one, The supernatural Power implies that precision in forgiveness is impossible. Leave it to love, and it is not likely to err on the lower side. The true inspiration for fellowship is not law but love. Law is negative:' Love is positive:
When the economy of the West collapses and we find ourselves amidst the ruins of a once-great society (which is in any case), we will all be forced to face a reality which so many of us have chosen to ignore. And it is just this: that our only hope is in supernatural love. At the moment, there are still many across the length and breadth of this nation who are yet to explore or understand what true Love means. The Supernatural Love is condemned and abused by the so called "profounders of true love"..
Through painful life lessons, abusive relationships and everyday obstacles, we discovers our true power. The power to transform, transcend and create our own perfect life; a power i believe is innate in us all. we are all the creators of our own destiny as we can learn to love and accept ourselves deeply, and that we can leave the destructive patterns of the past behind, forever.
we can bridge the gap between spirituality and everyday life, unleash the great healing power that lies buried deep within us so that we too can alter our path, conquer our fears and free our spirit, allowing us to embrace the joys and the serenity of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
To travel from Childhood to the spiritual journey of humankind. is the path that takes us into true consciousness.Consciousness is not about Religion, but rather a natural spiritual evolvement of human consciousness, the awakening of a sense of unity with life, in its many forms, and oneness between the human and the divine.( This can be understood by the good spirits as the evil can always laugh at the Divine )
True consciousness is the acknowledgement that life is love. Not the egocentric love born of our human nature, but the all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful love of our divine nature. Once we reach this understanding and exemplify it in our daily life, we live in Spiritual consciousness. You may choose to call it by a different name as for example the name of a Religion..
To master our fears, we need faith, not only faith in God but also faith in ourselves. Faith is a driving force, it is the power that takes us on the path of truth and keeps us on it. As we walk the road toward enlightenment our faith is constantly tested, because what appears to be true of ourselves and of others, strongly differs from what we know is the true reality of humanity. At times, the contrast between the two is so striking that our faith is shaken to its core.
No matter how dark it gets, the true reality of darkness is light, and our determination to bring light forth must not flounder.
Even if I knew deep within my soul that life was meant to be lived in joy, peace and harmony, it certainly appeared to be lived mostly in discord, selfishness and distress. I could not accept this imperfect world as the true reality of life, but had no concrete proof that my vision of a different world and a better life was correct. In fact, my faith in perfection seemed pretty naïve. But my apparently naïve faith also made me indestructible for, no matter what came my way, I kept my faith alive, thou I was a success in all that I have achieved in my career... I always trusted that my questions would be answered, that I would know happiness was there, that I would achieve perfection and find peace.
To better myself became a priority, an integral part of my day-to-day activities.
My Spiritual journey is not taken for achieving my goals, as I have achieved the materialistic wants beyond measures. My career and my day to day living is not my path to spiritualism.
The reason, I found out that seemingly insignificant exchanges that took place during the course of my journey could hold important clues about my behavior patterns. I scrutinized everything I did, every word I said, and I did not let myself get away with any improper behavior. For instance, if a problem arose in a friendship, I placed the focus on my own behavior rather than blaming the other person. I thought about the problem until its cause became clear to me, and then I tried to change my behavior or if i knew that i was not the cause , I chose to find new ways to keep the friendship healthy yet at a distance.
I did not let go of any situation until I felt that I had done everything I could to understand and improve it. My mind was sharp and active and I was always extremely observant and analytical. And my friends, colleagues or simple acquaintances often come to me for advice, which I dispensed willingly. People were drawn to confide in me because they trusted my confidence, they knew I listened and they recognized that I gave sound advices. I responded to them because I realized that I had an acute sensitivity that allowed me to see people clearly. I was able to do this, not only because it is easier to see clearly in a situation when one stands outside of it, but also because I could connect with the energy of everyone involved in the matter, and sense the truth behind their actions or reactions. With time, I knew that most people repeatedly lied to themselves and consequently to others, and lived in emotional and mental jails. Jails with walls that they were building wider every day, until they were left with so little room to breathe, that either they found a way to escape or died emotionally, spiritually and even physically. However, I did not realize that it was through my own sensitivity that I received certain insights that presented me with the solution for the dilemmas of others. I sincerely thought that what was obvious to me was obvious to everyone. Perhaps most importantly, I did not know how to discern when it was appropriate to speak the truth as I saw it, and when it was necessary to keep quiet. Consequently, I often ended up alienating myself from the very people I meant to help.
For the most part, people were neither ready nor willing to hear what I said to them, and they ended up resenting me for bringing certain issues to their attention. Because they would not accept certain truths about themselves, they kept on creating similar hurtful situations. The friends that kept going back to their abusive boyfriend, because of the fear to be alone or because abusive love was the only love she recognized, did not want to stop the circle of abuse. She did not accept that she had the power to change the circumstances of her life because she had grown comfortable feeling sorry for herself …
Looking back, I realize that I was led mostly through the power of my mind while the qualities of my heart, such as temperance and compassion, were not very developed in me then. I was also fighting my own issues and it did take me many years before I would be able to know and accept my own truths, and my expressing compassion toward others was something I was born with... I had a lot of work to do on myself.
One of the reasons we experience so much disappointment is that our perception of success is false. We are fast to grade people's successes or failures according to external displays of riches or physical beauty. Many believe that happiness depends on possessing these attributes and our society admires rich, successful and handsome people, without having any clue as to their true character. God is bombarded with requests for money, lovers, slim bodies and other self-gratifying desires, and I too asked for all of the above thinking them to be keys to happiness.Here Let me Clarify that, I am not suggesting that it is wrong to have such desires or that addressing one's spirituality entails a life of poverty, loneliness and homeliness; not at all. Prosperity, love and beauty are divine qualities that we are intended to create for ourselves. However, I feel that it is best that they not be an objective, but rather a result of our efforts to know and better ourselves. The more connected we are to the divine, the more our desires will come true for us.
In addition, because of the many changes, the seeker of truth ,undergoes a lot along the way, the beginning of the journey may not be favorable to personal relationships. Friendships and marriage may be dissolved and new relationships difficult to maintain. During our quest for truth, we are confronted by our fears and conquering them may require our undivided attention for a while, leaving very little room for the needs of others, even for those we dearly love. This does not mean that we can ignore our responsibilities, but rather that we must prioritize and let go of the "nonnecessities" that clutter our lives and rob us of our energy and time. Furthermore, as we progress and start overcoming some of our fears, certain qualities that were within us reawaken, and we slowly grow into a different personality. Those who witness the changes we undergo are subliminally reminded of the personal journey they themselves need to take in order to fight their own fears.
Consequently, they may feel threatened by our success and find it difficult adjusting to our "new" self. They may not be able to acknowledge that we have changed or they may even reject who we have become. Every change and revelation produces new initiations not only for us but also for all those who are a part of our life. At the beginning, I imagined my spiritual awakening not so much as a path but as a ladder, which gave me the opportunity to ascend from the abyss of Human imperfection into the heights of divine perfection..Our consciousness being full of untruths, fearful emotions and prejudices, we are so removed from the spiritual realities of life that externalizing spiritual truths in ourselves and in the manner we interrelate with others takes a long time,