We are all on the soul journey. It initially starts as instinct and is unconscious to us. We develop our bodies and ego until we experience a major paradigm shift in our lives. This awakening can occur at any time when we are ready to find more meaning and purpose. This shift involves living our life from the inner need to express the love that is our essence, the soul within.
Whether we call it following our spiritual journey, or living a more meaningful and loving life, it is all about responding to the basic impulse that draws us to becoming more conscious and compassionate. Let your Soul's Journey be your guide as you expand in consciousness and make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
We all want to make a difference and to know our life has been worthwhile. But we cannot make a lasting difference at home and in the world unless we do so from a higher level of consciousness than personality life. This higher level is soul life, our essence.