This is the Prophecy from the Bible which describes the rise of THE
THIRD ANTICHRIST.The third Antichrist has also been time and again
described by Nostradamus in his prophecies. He is the world leader
predicted by Nostradamus, whose rise is through a peace program.
1st Seal – Rise of the third Antichrist
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it
were the noise of thunder, one of the four living creatures saying,
Come and see, And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on
him had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went forth
conquering and to conquer. Revelation – [6:1 – 2].
As soon as this seal is opened, the noise of thunder it heard;
indication of a approaching storm. Then the rider on a white horse is
seen. This rider represents the leader of a peace movement; the color
white represents peace. Then one can see that this particular rider
has a bow but no arrows; he conquers without bloodshed and
destruction. He is a great ruler for a crown is given to him.
This prophecy coincides with the most Bible Prophecies regarding the
world ruler who conquers through a peace movement. He conquers all yet
there is more to be conquered.
The seven seals are part of the larger prophecies regarding the coming
World Climax from the first half of tribulation
The 2nd seal mentioned in the Revelation is descriptive of a war, the
like of which has never been witnessed before.
2nd Seal War of the Third Antichrist
And when he opened the second seal…….there went out another horse,
that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take
peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there
was given him a great sword. Revelation – 6:3- 4
The 1st Seal – Rise of the third Antichrist describes how the third
Antichrist rises as a global leader through a peace program. There is
peace everywhere, but for a short period of time. Thereafter the war
of the Third Antichrist commences. The rider on a red horse indicates
war, destruction and bloodshed.
Incidentally this prophecy matches the one made by Nostradamus about
the war of the third Antichrist. It is very interesting to note that
the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki Avatar who is stated
to manifest in this period of the Kali Yuga has as his weapon a
shinning sword.
Again this sword has been described by Nostradamus in his prophecies.
This is that particular Quatrain of NOSTRADAMUS ON KALKI AVATAR which
describes the sword used by Kalki Avatar to annihilate the persons who
are described as the war mongers.
The Eastern man will come down from his throne and cross the Apennines
into France through the sea and air and will strike the evil ones with
his sword
This is one of those Bible Prophecies regarding the coming World
Climax.This one is descriptive of a global famine.
3rd Seal - Famine
And when he opened the third seal…..I beheld, and lo,a black horse;
and he that’sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand, And I heard
a voice say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of
barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.[6:5.6]
The black horse is indicative of great suffering and distress due to
famine as a result of the aftermath of a war. The penny then was the
equivalent of a day’s wages. Exorbitant prices are represented by the
balances and the riders cry.
This famine will not be localized to any particular region or
continent but global. Today’s famine struck nations can certainly bank
on other rich nations to provide relief supplies. In this worldwide
famine in the coming future, none will be able to bank on food
supplies from anyone. This will be a famine without hope.
This prophecy is quite similar to the Prophecy of Nostradamus about
which I had written in my post on NOSTRADAMUS COMING FAMINE.
The 4th Seal of Death describes the Kaliyuga in its totality and peak.
This will be the condition of the World in the coming World Climax
.Governance and the accompanying laws will collapse and this will give
rise to a kind of ‘jungle raj’.The signs of this ‘ jungle raj’ or the
beginning of it is visible in many parts of the World including India.
The Prophecies about India and also those about Nostradamus also point
to the coming climax. This will now start accelerating and gain
momentum in the near future. The World as we see it today will mutate
into what I have described in the coming World Climax .
Revelation-6:7-8 –The 4th Seal - Death
And when he opened the 4th seal…I looked and beheld a pale horse; and
his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed him. And power
was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the
The pale horse and what mounts him represents unprecedented wide
spread death, destruction and hell. With the desperate shortfall of
food due to wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, pollution and
disasters, men will become like animals in their quest for survival.
They will turn to huge violence, and will kill for a chapatti or a
plate of rice.
Domestic animals will soon be completely devoured. Pets will be
snatched away for food. So also will the wild animals be trapped and
eaten. This will cause shortage of food for the predatory animals, and
they will turn man eaters in their natural instinct for survival. It
is likely that cannibalism will become widespread in many places.
One quarter of the world’s population will die in the famines and the
accompanying pestilences and violence. This will be by far the
greatest loss of life and property ever witnessed in the history of
This period of time which the 4th seal describes is the time for the
arrival of the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki Avatar on
earth. The one who is seen by the Bible prophets opening the seal is
none other than Vishnu who they visualize as the Lamb. This is true
the Lamb or Christ as also everything else is a part of Vishnu and
Vishnu is present in all these parts.
After opening the 4th seal Vishnu will manifest on the earth as Kalki
Avatar.The meaning of Kalki Avatar is ‘ the remover of dirt’ and so
will be his mission to rid the World of all the dirt present on its
surface. Every thing in the Universe is a part of and is governed by
the THE THREE FORCES OF GOD or as Hindus call them Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh, the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer. The balance
amongst these three forces has to be maintained at all times. In case
there is a very high degree of imbalance, the three forces start auto
correcting. The present period is the beginning of the auto
The 5th Seal described in the Bible Prophecies stands for “Judgment
“.This Seal which follows the 4th Seal which is a description of the
state of the world in the period which has been described in HINDU
COSMOLOGY as Kaliyuga.As I said earlier we are somewhere in this
period of Kaliyuga.The changes predicted in various prophecies over a
period of time have to come,there is no hiding from this fact.
5th Seal – 6: 9 - 11
And when he opened the 5th Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of
them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which
they held. And they cried in a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord,
holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that
dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto everyone of them;
and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little
season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that
should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
This is what follows the Kaal or time of the 4th Seal where the
conditions are ripe for the drastic changes that are to come. This is
the period of the World Climax .The prophecy given below is about the
manifestation of the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki
Avatar,who purpose is to cleanse the world of the dirt or debris in
the period of Kaliyuga.This is the first and original prophecy,
written thousands of years before the Bible prophecy regarding the
second coming and amongst other prophecies , the prophecies of
> "Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya
> Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
> Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya
> Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.
> Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
> "Whenever there is decay
> of righteousness O! Bharatha
> And a rise of unrighteousness
> then I manifest Myself!''
> Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
> Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya
> Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.
> Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
> "Whenever there is decay
> of righteousness O! Bharatha
> And a rise of unrighteousness
> then I manifest Myself!''
> What the 5th Seal describes is the realignment THE THREE FORCES OF GOD as they restore the balance. This is the time of “Judgment “..The instrument of this judgment is the Kalki Avatar.
Those who doubt this prophecy can ponder over this little gem of
Newton while in the last stages of his life.
All my life I have felt as if I have been exploring a shore and
looking at a few pretty shells here and there, while the whole ocean
of truth lay undiscovered before me.
By now most of you must have seen the hoardings or received a pamphlet
telling you about the coming and inevitable Judgment Day on 21st May
2011 and the end of the world five months later on 21st October
2011.They tell you that God will judge the faith of the people and the
faithful will be taken by him to heaven and the unfaithful are doomed.
The Bible Prophecies about the Revelation are being quoted to prove
how frightening and real this prophecy is.
The Revelation has never given a specific dating for the period of
Tribulation; it is up to you how you interpret it. These predictions
about 21st May 2011 are according to me inspired not by the Bible but
THE MAY EARTHQUAKE which has been predicted by Nostradamus which
resembles THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE predicted in the Bible ,but does not
give a dating of the event.
These are the Quatrains of Nostradamus which have fueled and inspired
the 21st May 2011 frenzy –
Century 9 - 83
When the sun in twenty degrees of Taurus
There will be a massive earthquake. The great
Theatre full will be ruined, darkness and
Trouble in the air, sky and land then they
Call upon the faithless God and saints.
This Quatrain gives an astrological dating of the massive earthquake
which will occur in the month of May. This earthquake will occur when
sun is in twenty degrees of Taurus that is twenty days after the sun
has moved into the sun sign Taurus that is May 21.The magnitude of
this earthquake will be so great and unprecedented that the people
will see God and the Saints as the only hope to rescue them from the
jaws of death and destruction.
Century 10 - 67
A very great trembling in the month of
May, Saturn in Capricorn,Jupiter and
Mercury in Taurus,Venus in Cancer, Mars
In Virgo and hails will fall bigger than egg.
In this Quatrain Nostradamus describes a massive earthquake in the
month of May which will be accompanied by severe hailstorms which will
be larger than eggs. One has to keep a watch on the astrological
conjunction described in this quatrain.
> How ever it must be noted the Nostradamus sees NO END ON 21 DECEMBER 2012 or for that matter on 21st May 2011 or 21st October 2011.Lets have a look at this Quatrain.
Century 1 - 48
When twenty years of the reign of the Moon have passed,
For seven thousand years another will hold the rule,
When the Sun takes up the rule for the final cycle,
Then my prophecy and sightings will be accomplished.
This quatrain of Nostradamus describes a period of twenty years in the
moons cycle which will be a period of great destruction, wars and
calamities for the world. After this period Nostradamus sees a change
in the human consciousness as the cycle of the sun begins which he
sees lasting for seven thousand years, Nostradamus say through this
quatrain that his prediction cover a period of seven thousand years he
does not say that the world will end after seven thousand years.
The exact year for the fulfillment of all these prophecies has not
been given by Nostradamus, but according to me they will occur at the
time of the coming World Climax .There might be a huge earthquake
which will change the earth forever in May of this year, or there
might not be one.Till it occurs every year we are going to witness
this frenzy being generated.
This is the most relevant Quatrain from the Centuries of Nostradamus
which could be referring to the discovery of a huge UFO,which could be
the mother ship. This Prophecy refers to a particular solar
combination through which the Aliens or the Extra-Terrestrials remain
hidden from the view of all scientific instruments. A rare solar
combination involving the Sun and Venus will uncover them, and the
long awaited secret will finally be reveled. Many people suspect that
we are being watched and monitored by the ET’s.
The Quatrain further indicates that some of the self proclaimed world
leaders of the time will surely take an aggressive and warlike stance.
This act will most probably make the ET’s take preventive measures.
Again there is no dating for this Quatrain. I suspect that it will
most probably occur during the times of trouble or the impending World
Climax .
Century – 3 - 28.
Lors que Venus du Sol sera couuert :
Soubs l'esplendeur sera forme occulte :
Mercure au feu les aura descouuert,
Par bruit bellique sera mis à l'insulte.
Century 4 - 28
When Venus will be covered by the Sun, Under the splendor will be a
hidden form: Mercury will have exposed them to the fire, Through
warlike noise it will be insulted.
I have already written about THE TRUTH OF EXTRA TERRESTRIALS quite
some time back. Again I will tell you that they are time travelers
from the future who are nothing but the descendants of the present
man. They have evolved into other forms and have settled down on other
Planets in the Universe.
The toxic atmosphere on Earth after the World Climax will make the
place uninhabitable and scientifically advanced groups will set up
space stations I had written about this prophecy NOSTRADAMUS
SAMAROBRYN, where such groups will begin by setting up space stations
300 to 500 miles above the earth. The descendants of these pioneers
will then advance sufficiently to colonize other Planets.
There is every likelihood of there being more than one such group.
These groups could have evolved into diverse forms. One of the most
evolved of these groups is the ‘watchers’ whom a lot of people have
claimed to have seen.
Nature has the greatest brain. The secret being reveled will be
natures doing, the reason for which will never be known either to the
people on Earth or the Time Travelers.
With the current situation involving the assassination Osama Bin
Laden in Pakistan it appears that we are right on track for the coming
World Climax .I had interpreted the Prophecy coded in this particular
Nostradamus Quatrain as that of the total Destruction of Punjab
Province of Pakistan by way of Nuclear weapons.
Century 6- 27.
Dedans les isles de cinq fleuues à vn,
Par le croissant du grand Chyren Selin :
Par les bruynes de l'air fureur de l'vn,
Six eschappez, cachez fardeaux de lyn.
Within the Isles of five rivers to one, Through the expansion of the
great 'Chyren Selin': Through the drizzles in the air the fury of one,
Six escaped, hidden bundles of flax.
The province of the Punjab in Pakistan is the only geographical entity
in the world which fit the description of ‘Isles of five rivers to
one’. This is an ancient name right from the time of the ancient Greek
civilization which called it’ Pentapotamia’meaning an inland delta of
five rivers flowing to become one. These five rivers are the Jhelum,
the Chenab, the Ravi, the Sutlej, and the Beas, merge to form the
Panjnad, which flows into the Indus. The word Punjab coined by the
ancient Aryan civilization literally translated into English means Pun
= 5 and ab = water, the land of the 5 water bodies.
I had previously interpreted this Nostradamus Prophecy as referring to
the expansion of Kalki Avatar who has been interpreted as
‘Chyren’.However in the context of the current world situation it
could probably refer to the wars of THE THIRD ANTICHRIST.But one thing
of which I was certain then and more so now is that the place
earmarked for total destruction is the Punjab in Pakistan. The
aftermath of this destruction is sure to greatly affect by way of
nuclear radiation the Punjab state of India as well.
The Punjab in Pakistan is the most populous province accounting to
about 57% of the total population. It is also the most devolved and
prosperous province. Punjabis dominate the Pakistani Army, Beaurocracy
and Politics. In short no Punjab no Pakistan.
‘Through the drizzles in the air’ is as obvious description of nuclear
rain as one can come across in the prophecies of Nostradamus. ‘Six
escaped, hidden bundles of flax’is again a description of some persons
surviving this devastating attack wearing NBC suits. This speaks of
the sheer magnitude of this attack.
Now the question of who launches this attack and why, if connected to
a chain reaction triggering off from the killing of Osama Bin Laden
there is every likelihood of desperate and massive attack by the Jihad
groups which will provoke and give an opportunity to the Americans to
launch this attack. Pakistan is the only nation which the Americans
periodically threaten to bomb right back to the Stone Age.
> This is the most important Nostradamus Quatrain which refers to the identity of the person called ‘Chyren’ or ‘ Chiren’.Chiren is going to be most influential person to have taken birth in this world. There has been no other world leader in the history of mankind who can even come close to the title of ‘Chief of the World’. This is how Nostradamus has referred to him in his Prophecies. , not once but time and again in various quatrains.
This is the key Quatrain.
VI. 70.
Vn chef du monde le grand Chiren sera :
Plus ovtre apres aymé, craint, redouté :
Son bruit & los les cieux sur passera,
Et du seul titre Victeur, fort contenté.
Chief of the world will the great 'Chyren' be, Plus Ultra behind,
loved, feared, dreaded: His fame and praise will go beyond the
heavens, And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.
The descriptions of Chyren and of theThird Antichrist have been given
by Nostradamus in his Centuries. These descriptions could be of one
and the same person. The Third Antichrist and Chyren if they are one
and the same will wield far more power than anyone else even came
close to any time in the history of mankind. This is exactly why again
I am inclined to believe that this person could Kalki Avatar the 10th
and final Avatar of Vishnu, described in the Bhagavad-Gita as also
numerous Hindu Puranas.
Now coming to the identity of Chyren,it is clear from the prophecies
that he is a Hindu, from India. The Prophecies about India make the
situation ripe for the arrival of Chyren.The key words ‘Plus Ultra‘
which when translated mean ‘ nothing beyond ‘indicate a sort of ‘coup
‘ or a ‘ military exercise’. This could possibly indicate that ‘Chyren
‘comes to power in some sort of coup. ‘Plus Ultra‘could be the code
name of this coup. After the coup 'Chyren' will be loved, feared and
The name 'Chyren' is a sort of anagram. This phrase ’and with the sole
title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.’ is a possible indicator
of the name of 'Chyren'.One has to look for a name which when
translated into Hindi means ‘Victor ‘.There are a whole lot of Indian
name which mean Victor, Victory or Victorious.
These findings are not influenced by anything, but my previous
interpretations of the various Quatrains of Nostradamus, which clearly
indicate the location as India, as also the physical features, the day
of rest and the day of prayer. All these indications point only
towards the Hindu religion and not any other religion.
> This is a Quatrain of Nostradamus which has been interpreted by me as the one referring to Nostradamus-Aftermath of the coming Crash.This crash seems inevitable today, more than any other time in the past. This Quatrain describes the looted funds, especially Indian looted funds amounting to an estimated 1.5 Trillion Dollars stashed away in Swiss Banks going to waste.
Century 9-44
Migrés, migrés de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre Raypoz exterminera tous,
Auant l'aruent le Ciel signes fera.
Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn will be converted
from gold to iron, 'Raypoz' will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs.
The Quatrain advises these specific set of persons to leave Geneva as
their Gold turns to iron.This indicates that the ill gotten funds are
going to go waste.These specific set of people are the Illuminati or
the New World Order .This New World Order will certainly be destroyed
As regards the dating of this Quatrain it is likely to be fulfilled in
the near future, probably in the new phase in human consciousness
beginning 21 DECEMBER 2012.
A lot of misinformation and theories have appeared on the net and are
still appearing about the 10th and final Avatar of The KALKI AVATAR.
The Hindu Puranas have time and again and prophesized about the
manifestation, in the Prophecies on Kalki Avatar, that he will
manifest in the current Hindu cycle of Kaliyuga as per the HINDU
Kalki Avatar has been described as a political ruler, who will rise to
power through some sort of peace program or someone who will seize
power through some sort of revolution. There are still others who
describe him as some Guru, God-man or a founder of sects, and have
applied this definition to someone from the past or someone who is
still in existence.
Here one must remember that we are talking about an Avatar of Vishnu,
the Protective force in the Universe, out of the Hindu Divine Trinity
of the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer or Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh. This is a Divine being with Divine powers of the highest
possible type, such Divine qualities are present only in God.Kalki
Avatar will through his Divine powers destroy the evil that threatens
to destroy the world.
Kalki Avatar will manifest when the balance between THE THREE FORCES
OF GOD has tilted alarmingly in favor of the Destructive forces, this
is what we are witnessing at the present moment, and the balance is
rapidly changing with every passing day. There is bound to be
destruction as the conflict between the forces of Darkness and Light
is not going to be some sort local war or revolution. This will be
widespread destruction and will mark the end of a cycle of
consciousness and beginning of a new one.
The Divine weapon of Kalki Avatar has been described as a shinning
sword by which he will destroy the forces of Darkness. This Divine
sword has been described by Nostradamus in his Centuries
L'oriental sortira de son siege,
Passer les monts Apennins, voir la Gaule,
Transpercera du ciel les eaux & neiges
En vn chacun frappera de sa gaule.
The Easterner will leave his seat, To pass the Apennine mountains to
see Gaul: He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow, And
everyone will be struck with his rod.
The rod which has been described by Nostradamus in his Prophecies is
the shinning sword of Kalki Avatar which has been described time and
again in the Puranas.And the mode of transport or vehicle of Kalki
Avatar is as mentioned in the Puranas is a white horse. When
Nostradamus says that “he will transpire the sky, the waters and the
snow”, he probably means that Kalki Avatar will move through the world
on his Divine means of transport. The Divine weapon along with the
Divine transport or vehicle will strike fear and dread in the minds of
the forces of Darkness.
The Divine weapons of Kalki Avatar along with other qualities like
infinite wisdom and the numerous qualities found in an Avatar of
Vishnu are what will convince the world that the Kalki Avatar has
finally arrived. Such qualities cannot remain hidden they are
obivious. One will know who is Kalki Avatar, when one sees these
qualities. There is no other way one can recognize Kalki Avatar.
I am skeptical about some of the verses attributed to Kalki Avatar in
some of the Puranas as I think they might have been added by someone
with vested interests at a later date.
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Predicted by Neel
Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic