I am a soul returning close to the single authentic source threading the path of mysticism in the occurrence of a combined peace, joy, compassion or love. My agony between competing forces of light and dark, and positive marked division between the material kingdom, the administration of evil forces, and the higher spiritual kingdom from which it is divided. My words may seem to confuse and unclear, at the same time over-simplified and full of subtle meanings hidden from the naive.

My words are very easy to know, and easy to practice; but there is none in the world who can recognize and capable of practice them.
A dimensional fluctuation amid one construction of reality to another. I am crossed a path by sin, shame, remorse.
Repentance, awareness of lower-self attachments and dervishes giving up the thoughts and behaviors is now the necessity for reinstating unity and grace.
Mortification and dejection, defamation and allegation, abundant lives breathed, none could grasp me and in this way my voyage demands further obligation.
My ancestry and individuality is of free spirit. I question if this is a joy. The joy is of mankind shuns and Almighty embraces. That is the joy in the departure from the material release. (2009)

"Religious truth is the inner meaning of the law revealed in the heart of the Sufi by the Divine Light."

In terms of the Ultimate Reality or Truth, I have now come to reject the very basis of "manifestation" and in doing so all systems of thought and knowledge in reference to it is invalid

According to my experience there is nothing to understand about enlightenment as enlightenment is the way of enlightenment itself.

The subject of enlightenment – or anything else – did not interest me all my life ………….. My life-story can be separated into the three catastrophe parts. The first part of my life with Human experience. The second part of my life experienced a Bodily experience with a discontinuity from my human life with the ongoing bodily experience – though not absence – of thought. But I lost all connectivity with the acquired knowledge and memories, and I was made to re-learn everything, as if the slate had been wiped clean.

For more information please visit www.totalpeacemission.com

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Hour of Judgement

As the strategy progress so it shall be employed
As its set into battle so will actions be recorded
As records so shall the decree
As the decree draw closer so will recognition
As recognition is cited so shall the agreement
As agreement begins so will all submit ( Revealed )

Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old,
behold, I do a new thing, now it shall spring forth…shall ye not know
it?…(Isaiah 43:18).

“Now the interpretation of the sacred scriptures is based on the under
meaning in the symbolic narratives, for these look on the whole of
their law code as being like a Living thing, having for a Body the
spoken commands, and for a Soul the unseen thoughts stored up in the
words , the interpretation, as it were, in the mirror of the words
,unwrapping and undoing the symbols from them, and bringing to light
the naked inner meanings,

In short what this reveal in the undisclosed mystery communication .
The strategy that was designed and the battle ground were set . As it
was set it was also implemented. As it’s completed the initial
element at the present the era was to overtake a verdict. The judgment
based on how well we try to transform and assist in the alignment. The
war takes place on a higher consciousness and in the astral planes.
This will not be revealed or understood by normal human beings.

If we initiate to understand the truth with our mind open than we are
in harmony with the aforementioned declaration and so we shall track
that which can bring us to the righteous path. Once we follow and
agree to the reality than we will submit. This is where we stand as
the judgment of right and wrong will be finally on us. God’s plans are
never revealed. We will be prepared to do all as he wills and we will
on no account realize when what has happened as we are looking at the
path expecting incredible to happen. However we realize that what we
have been behind as everything was taken place right on our face
and we have failed to see it or be a part of it. This is for the
reason that we are veiled and can on no description see the accuracy.

Certainly only Allah knows the specific date and time of the Rise.
but OBVIOUSLY at some point that knowledge will be revealed. For the
sign could be a sign that his return IS ALREADY HAPPENING. He might
already be among us, just as the first double eclipse happened

The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.
~ Nostradamus Century V, Quatrain 25

“The Prophet (S) said, ‘You will attack Arabia, and Allah will enable
you to conquer it. Then you will attack Persia, and Allah will enable
you to conquer it. Then you will attack Rome, and Allah will enable
you to conquer it. Then you will attack the Dajjal, and Allah will
enable you to conquer him.’” (Hadeeth: Muslim.)

A study of the events mentioned in the Islamic prophecies in the Holy
Koran and the Hadeeths reveal an astonishing similarity with the
events described in the prophecies of Nostradamus. However, the
perspective is different probably due to the fact that they belong to
the opposing camp.

The basic premise of the Islamic prophecies are the same i.e. during
the war a Dajjal (Antichrist) will appear and will be countered by the
Christ in His Second Coming (described as “Jesus the son of Mary” in
Islam) assisted by Imam Mahdi (equivalent to the French Pope as
mentioned by Nostradmus). After the war, the Hour of Judgement will

However the final moment (as in the birth-process itself) may be
protracted beyond anything the prophets have foretold, for God moves
in a mysterious way his wonders to perform…This is addressed to the
men of truth, those who carry out the law (Torah), who do not relax
from serving the truth even though the final moment be long drawn out.
Assuredly, all the times appointed by God will come in due course,
even as He has determined in His inscrutable wisdom.” The Habakkuk
Commentary, the Dead Sea Scriptures, pp.321,322.

So none can see the Dajjal or the Christ or the Mahdi or the Kalki .
To be there one must have gained insight and dominance in the astral
planes. And none of the saviour will declare to the world I am the


Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Prophecy by Nostradamus

This is the Prophecy from the Bible which describes the rise of THE
THIRD ANTICHRIST.The third Antichrist has also been time and again
described by Nostradamus in his prophecies. He is the world leader
predicted by Nostradamus, whose rise is through a peace program.

1st Seal – Rise of the third Antichrist
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it
were the noise of thunder, one of the four living creatures saying,
Come and see, And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on
him had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went forth
conquering and to conquer. Revelation – [6:1 – 2].

As soon as this seal is opened, the noise of thunder it heard;
indication of a approaching storm. Then the rider on a white horse is
seen. This rider represents the leader of a peace movement; the color
white represents peace. Then one can see that this particular rider
has a bow but no arrows; he conquers without bloodshed and
destruction. He is a great ruler for a crown is given to him.

This prophecy coincides with the most Bible Prophecies regarding the
world ruler who conquers through a peace movement. He conquers all yet
there is more to be conquered.

The seven seals are part of the larger prophecies regarding the coming
World Climax from the first half of tribulation

The 2nd seal mentioned in the Revelation is descriptive of a war, the
like of which has never been witnessed before.
2nd Seal War of the Third Antichrist
And when he opened the second seal…….there went out another horse,
that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take
peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there
was given him a great sword. Revelation – 6:3- 4

The 1st Seal – Rise of the third Antichrist describes how the third
Antichrist rises as a global leader through a peace program. There is
peace everywhere, but for a short period of time. Thereafter the war
of the Third Antichrist commences. The rider on a red horse indicates
war, destruction and bloodshed.

Incidentally this prophecy matches the one made by Nostradamus about
the war of the third Antichrist. It is very interesting to note that
the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki Avatar who is stated
to manifest in this period of the Kali Yuga has as his weapon a
shinning sword.

Again this sword has been described by Nostradamus in his prophecies.
This is that particular Quatrain of NOSTRADAMUS ON KALKI AVATAR which
describes the sword used by Kalki Avatar to annihilate the persons who
are described as the war mongers.

The Eastern man will come down from his throne and cross the Apennines
into France through the sea and air and will strike the evil ones with
his sword

This is one of those Bible Prophecies regarding the coming World
Climax.This one is descriptive of a global famine.

3rd Seal - Famine
And when he opened the third seal…..I beheld, and lo,a black horse;
and he that’sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand, And I heard
a voice say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of
barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.[6:5.6]

The black horse is indicative of great suffering and distress due to
famine as a result of the aftermath of a war. The penny then was the
equivalent of a day’s wages. Exorbitant prices are represented by the
balances and the riders cry.

This famine will not be localized to any particular region or
continent but global. Today’s famine struck nations can certainly bank
on other rich nations to provide relief supplies. In this worldwide
famine in the coming future, none will be able to bank on food
supplies from anyone. This will be a famine without hope.

This prophecy is quite similar to the Prophecy of Nostradamus about
which I had written in my post on NOSTRADAMUS COMING FAMINE.

The 4th Seal of Death describes the Kaliyuga in its totality and peak.
This will be the condition of the World in the coming World Climax
.Governance and the accompanying laws will collapse and this will give
rise to a kind of ‘jungle raj’.The signs of this ‘ jungle raj’ or the
beginning of it is visible in many parts of the World including India.

The Prophecies about India and also those about Nostradamus also point
to the coming climax. This will now start accelerating and gain
momentum in the near future. The World as we see it today will mutate
into what I have described in the coming World Climax .

Revelation-6:7-8 –The 4th Seal - Death
And when he opened the 4th seal…I looked and beheld a pale horse; and
his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed him. And power
was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with death and with the beasts of the

The pale horse and what mounts him represents unprecedented wide
spread death, destruction and hell. With the desperate shortfall of
food due to wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, pollution and
disasters, men will become like animals in their quest for survival.
They will turn to huge violence, and will kill for a chapatti or a
plate of rice.

Domestic animals will soon be completely devoured. Pets will be
snatched away for food. So also will the wild animals be trapped and
eaten. This will cause shortage of food for the predatory animals, and
they will turn man eaters in their natural instinct for survival. It
is likely that cannibalism will become widespread in many places.

One quarter of the world’s population will die in the famines and the
accompanying pestilences and violence. This will be by far the
greatest loss of life and property ever witnessed in the history of

This period of time which the 4th seal describes is the time for the
arrival of the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki Avatar on
earth. The one who is seen by the Bible prophets opening the seal is
none other than Vishnu who they visualize as the Lamb. This is true
the Lamb or Christ as also everything else is a part of Vishnu and
Vishnu is present in all these parts.

After opening the 4th seal Vishnu will manifest on the earth as Kalki
Avatar.The meaning of Kalki Avatar is ‘ the remover of dirt’ and so
will be his mission to rid the World of all the dirt present on its
surface. Every thing in the Universe is a part of and is governed by
the THE THREE FORCES OF GOD or as Hindus call them Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh, the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer. The balance
amongst these three forces has to be maintained at all times. In case
there is a very high degree of imbalance, the three forces start auto
correcting. The present period is the beginning of the auto

The 5th Seal described in the Bible Prophecies stands for “Judgment
“.This Seal which follows the 4th Seal which is a description of the
state of the world in the period which has been described in HINDU
COSMOLOGY as Kaliyuga.As I said earlier we are somewhere in this
period of Kaliyuga.The changes predicted in various prophecies over a
period of time have to come,there is no hiding from this fact.

5th Seal – 6: 9 - 11

And when he opened the 5th Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of
them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which
they held. And they cried in a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord,
holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that
dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto everyone of them;
and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little
season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that
should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

This is what follows the Kaal or time of the 4th Seal where the
conditions are ripe for the drastic changes that are to come. This is
the period of the World Climax .The prophecy given below is about the
manifestation of the 10th and final Avatar of Vishnu the Kalki
Avatar,who purpose is to cleanse the world of the dirt or debris in
the period of Kaliyuga.This is the first and original prophecy,
written thousands of years before the Bible prophecy regarding the
second coming and amongst other prophecies , the prophecies of

> "Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya
> Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
> Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya
> Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.
> Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
> "Whenever there is decay
> of righteousness O! Bharatha
> And a rise of unrighteousness
> then I manifest Myself!''
> Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
> Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya
> Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.
> Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
> "Whenever there is decay
> of righteousness O! Bharatha
> And a rise of unrighteousness
> then I manifest Myself!''

> What the 5th Seal describes is the realignment THE THREE FORCES OF GOD as they restore the balance. This is the time of “Judgment “..The instrument of this judgment is the Kalki Avatar.

Those who doubt this prophecy can ponder over this little gem of
Newton while in the last stages of his life.

All my life I have felt as if I have been exploring a shore and
looking at a few pretty shells here and there, while the whole ocean
of truth lay undiscovered before me.

By now most of you must have seen the hoardings or received a pamphlet
telling you about the coming and inevitable Judgment Day on 21st May
2011 and the end of the world five months later on 21st October
2011.They tell you that God will judge the faith of the people and the
faithful will be taken by him to heaven and the unfaithful are doomed.
The Bible Prophecies about the Revelation are being quoted to prove
how frightening and real this prophecy is.

The Revelation has never given a specific dating for the period of
Tribulation; it is up to you how you interpret it. These predictions
about 21st May 2011 are according to me inspired not by the Bible but
THE MAY EARTHQUAKE which has been predicted by Nostradamus which
resembles THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE predicted in the Bible ,but does not
give a dating of the event.

These are the Quatrains of Nostradamus which have fueled and inspired
the 21st May 2011 frenzy –

Century 9 - 83
When the sun in twenty degrees of Taurus
There will be a massive earthquake. The great
Theatre full will be ruined, darkness and
Trouble in the air, sky and land then they
Call upon the faithless God and saints.
This Quatrain gives an astrological dating of the massive earthquake
which will occur in the month of May. This earthquake will occur when
sun is in twenty degrees of Taurus that is twenty days after the sun
has moved into the sun sign Taurus that is May 21.The magnitude of
this earthquake will be so great and unprecedented that the people
will see God and the Saints as the only hope to rescue them from the
jaws of death and destruction.

Century 10 - 67
A very great trembling in the month of
May, Saturn in Capricorn,Jupiter and
Mercury in Taurus,Venus in Cancer, Mars
In Virgo and hails will fall bigger than egg.
In this Quatrain Nostradamus describes a massive earthquake in the
month of May which will be accompanied by severe hailstorms which will
be larger than eggs. One has to keep a watch on the astrological
conjunction described in this quatrain.

> How ever it must be noted the Nostradamus sees NO END ON 21 DECEMBER 2012 or for that matter on 21st May 2011 or 21st October 2011.Lets have a look at this Quatrain.

Century 1 - 48
When twenty years of the reign of the Moon have passed,
For seven thousand years another will hold the rule,
When the Sun takes up the rule for the final cycle,
Then my prophecy and sightings will be accomplished.
This quatrain of Nostradamus describes a period of twenty years in the
moons cycle which will be a period of great destruction, wars and
calamities for the world. After this period Nostradamus sees a change
in the human consciousness as the cycle of the sun begins which he
sees lasting for seven thousand years, Nostradamus say through this
quatrain that his prediction cover a period of seven thousand years he
does not say that the world will end after seven thousand years.

The exact year for the fulfillment of all these prophecies has not
been given by Nostradamus, but according to me they will occur at the
time of the coming World Climax .There might be a huge earthquake
which will change the earth forever in May of this year, or there
might not be one.Till it occurs every year we are going to witness
this frenzy being generated.

This is the most relevant Quatrain from the Centuries of Nostradamus
which could be referring to the discovery of a huge UFO,which could be
the mother ship. This Prophecy refers to a particular solar
combination through which the Aliens or the Extra-Terrestrials remain
hidden from the view of all scientific instruments. A rare solar
combination involving the Sun and Venus will uncover them, and the
long awaited secret will finally be reveled. Many people suspect that
we are being watched and monitored by the ET’s.

The Quatrain further indicates that some of the self proclaimed world
leaders of the time will surely take an aggressive and warlike stance.
This act will most probably make the ET’s take preventive measures.
Again there is no dating for this Quatrain. I suspect that it will
most probably occur during the times of trouble or the impending World
Climax .

Century – 3 - 28.
Lors que Venus du Sol sera couuert :
Soubs l'esplendeur sera forme occulte :
Mercure au feu les aura descouuert,
Par bruit bellique sera mis à l'insulte.
Century 4 - 28
When Venus will be covered by the Sun, Under the splendor will be a
hidden form: Mercury will have exposed them to the fire, Through
warlike noise it will be insulted.

I have already written about THE TRUTH OF EXTRA TERRESTRIALS quite
some time back. Again I will tell you that they are time travelers
from the future who are nothing but the descendants of the present
man. They have evolved into other forms and have settled down on other
Planets in the Universe.

The toxic atmosphere on Earth after the World Climax will make the
place uninhabitable and scientifically advanced groups will set up
space stations I had written about this prophecy NOSTRADAMUS
SAMAROBRYN, where such groups will begin by setting up space stations
300 to 500 miles above the earth. The descendants of these pioneers
will then advance sufficiently to colonize other Planets.

There is every likelihood of there being more than one such group.
These groups could have evolved into diverse forms. One of the most
evolved of these groups is the ‘watchers’ whom a lot of people have
claimed to have seen.

Nature has the greatest brain. The secret being reveled will be
natures doing, the reason for which will never be known either to the
people on Earth or the Time Travelers.

With the current situation involving the assassination Osama Bin
Laden in Pakistan it appears that we are right on track for the coming
World Climax .I had interpreted the Prophecy coded in this particular
Nostradamus Quatrain as that of the total Destruction of Punjab
Province of Pakistan by way of Nuclear weapons.

Century 6- 27.
Dedans les isles de cinq fleuues à vn,
Par le croissant du grand Chyren Selin :
Par les bruynes de l'air fureur de l'vn,
Six eschappez, cachez fardeaux de lyn.
Within the Isles of five rivers to one, Through the expansion of the
great 'Chyren Selin': Through the drizzles in the air the fury of one,
Six escaped, hidden bundles of flax.

The province of the Punjab in Pakistan is the only geographical entity
in the world which fit the description of ‘Isles of five rivers to
one’. This is an ancient name right from the time of the ancient Greek
civilization which called it’ Pentapotamia’meaning an inland delta of
five rivers flowing to become one. These five rivers are the Jhelum,
the Chenab, the Ravi, the Sutlej, and the Beas, merge to form the
Panjnad, which flows into the Indus. The word Punjab coined by the
ancient Aryan civilization literally translated into English means Pun
= 5 and ab = water, the land of the 5 water bodies.

I had previously interpreted this Nostradamus Prophecy as referring to
the expansion of Kalki Avatar who has been interpreted as
‘Chyren’.However in the context of the current world situation it
could probably refer to the wars of THE THIRD ANTICHRIST.But one thing
of which I was certain then and more so now is that the place
earmarked for total destruction is the Punjab in Pakistan. The
aftermath of this destruction is sure to greatly affect by way of
nuclear radiation the Punjab state of India as well.

The Punjab in Pakistan is the most populous province accounting to
about 57% of the total population. It is also the most devolved and
prosperous province. Punjabis dominate the Pakistani Army, Beaurocracy
and Politics. In short no Punjab no Pakistan.

‘Through the drizzles in the air’ is as obvious description of nuclear
rain as one can come across in the prophecies of Nostradamus. ‘Six
escaped, hidden bundles of flax’is again a description of some persons
surviving this devastating attack wearing NBC suits. This speaks of
the sheer magnitude of this attack.

Now the question of who launches this attack and why, if connected to
a chain reaction triggering off from the killing of Osama Bin Laden
there is every likelihood of desperate and massive attack by the Jihad
groups which will provoke and give an opportunity to the Americans to
launch this attack. Pakistan is the only nation which the Americans
periodically threaten to bomb right back to the Stone Age.

> This is the most important Nostradamus Quatrain which refers to the identity of the person called ‘Chyren’ or ‘ Chiren’.Chiren is going to be most influential person to have taken birth in this world. There has been no other world leader in the history of mankind who can even come close to the title of ‘Chief of the World’. This is how Nostradamus has referred to him in his Prophecies. , not once but time and again in various quatrains.

This is the key Quatrain.
VI. 70.
Vn chef du monde le grand Chiren sera :
Plus ovtre apres aymé, craint, redouté :
Son bruit & los les cieux sur passera,
Et du seul titre Victeur, fort contenté.
Chief of the world will the great 'Chyren' be, Plus Ultra behind,
loved, feared, dreaded: His fame and praise will go beyond the
heavens, And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.

The descriptions of Chyren and of theThird Antichrist have been given
by Nostradamus in his Centuries. These descriptions could be of one
and the same person. The Third Antichrist and Chyren if they are one
and the same will wield far more power than anyone else even came
close to any time in the history of mankind. This is exactly why again
I am inclined to believe that this person could Kalki Avatar the 10th
and final Avatar of Vishnu, described in the Bhagavad-Gita as also
numerous Hindu Puranas.

Now coming to the identity of Chyren,it is clear from the prophecies
that he is a Hindu, from India. The Prophecies about India make the
situation ripe for the arrival of Chyren.The key words ‘Plus Ultra‘
which when translated mean ‘ nothing beyond ‘indicate a sort of ‘coup
‘ or a ‘ military exercise’. This could possibly indicate that ‘Chyren
‘comes to power in some sort of coup. ‘Plus Ultra‘could be the code
name of this coup. After the coup 'Chyren' will be loved, feared and

The name 'Chyren' is a sort of anagram. This phrase ’and with the sole
title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.’ is a possible indicator
of the name of 'Chyren'.One has to look for a name which when
translated into Hindi means ‘Victor ‘.There are a whole lot of Indian
name which mean Victor, Victory or Victorious.

These findings are not influenced by anything, but my previous
interpretations of the various Quatrains of Nostradamus, which clearly
indicate the location as India, as also the physical features, the day
of rest and the day of prayer. All these indications point only
towards the Hindu religion and not any other religion.

> This is a Quatrain of Nostradamus which has been interpreted by me as the one referring to Nostradamus-Aftermath of the coming Crash.This crash seems inevitable today, more than any other time in the past. This Quatrain describes the looted funds, especially Indian looted funds amounting to an estimated 1.5 Trillion Dollars stashed away in Swiss Banks going to waste.

Century 9-44
Migrés, migrés de Genefue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre Raypoz exterminera tous,
Auant l'aruent le Ciel signes fera.
Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn will be converted
from gold to iron, 'Raypoz' will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs.

The Quatrain advises these specific set of persons to leave Geneva as
their Gold turns to iron.This indicates that the ill gotten funds are
going to go waste.These specific set of people are the Illuminati or
the New World Order .This New World Order will certainly be destroyed

As regards the dating of this Quatrain it is likely to be fulfilled in
the near future, probably in the new phase in human consciousness
beginning 21 DECEMBER 2012.

A lot of misinformation and theories have appeared on the net and are
still appearing about the 10th and final Avatar of The KALKI AVATAR.
The Hindu Puranas have time and again and prophesized about the
manifestation, in the Prophecies on Kalki Avatar, that he will
manifest in the current Hindu cycle of Kaliyuga as per the HINDU

Kalki Avatar has been described as a political ruler, who will rise to
power through some sort of peace program or someone who will seize
power through some sort of revolution. There are still others who
describe him as some Guru, God-man or a founder of sects, and have
applied this definition to someone from the past or someone who is
still in existence.

Here one must remember that we are talking about an Avatar of Vishnu,
the Protective force in the Universe, out of the Hindu Divine Trinity
of the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer or Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh. This is a Divine being with Divine powers of the highest
possible type, such Divine qualities are present only in God.Kalki
Avatar will through his Divine powers destroy the evil that threatens
to destroy the world.

Kalki Avatar will manifest when the balance between THE THREE FORCES
OF GOD has tilted alarmingly in favor of the Destructive forces, this
is what we are witnessing at the present moment, and the balance is
rapidly changing with every passing day. There is bound to be
destruction as the conflict between the forces of Darkness and Light
is not going to be some sort local war or revolution. This will be
widespread destruction and will mark the end of a cycle of
consciousness and beginning of a new one.

The Divine weapon of Kalki Avatar has been described as a shinning
sword by which he will destroy the forces of Darkness. This Divine
sword has been described by Nostradamus in his Centuries
L'oriental sortira de son siege,
Passer les monts Apennins, voir la Gaule,
Transpercera du ciel les eaux & neiges
En vn chacun frappera de sa gaule.
The Easterner will leave his seat, To pass the Apennine mountains to
see Gaul: He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow, And
everyone will be struck with his rod.

The rod which has been described by Nostradamus in his Prophecies is
the shinning sword of Kalki Avatar which has been described time and
again in the Puranas.And the mode of transport or vehicle of Kalki
Avatar is as mentioned in the Puranas is a white horse. When
Nostradamus says that “he will transpire the sky, the waters and the
snow”, he probably means that Kalki Avatar will move through the world
on his Divine means of transport. The Divine weapon along with the
Divine transport or vehicle will strike fear and dread in the minds of
the forces of Darkness.

The Divine weapons of Kalki Avatar along with other qualities like
infinite wisdom and the numerous qualities found in an Avatar of
Vishnu are what will convince the world that the Kalki Avatar has
finally arrived. Such qualities cannot remain hidden they are
obivious. One will know who is Kalki Avatar, when one sees these
qualities. There is no other way one can recognize Kalki Avatar.

I am skeptical about some of the verses attributed to Kalki Avatar in
some of the Puranas as I think they might have been added by someone
with vested interests at a later date.

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Predicted by Neel

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Friday, December 14, 2012

The 2013 Transit

The Milky Way Galaxy also known as the Great Mother by various
traditions. The Dark Rift represents her birth canal. After Twenty-six
thousand years the sun will be directly aligned with the Dark Rift of
the Milky Way Galaxy, which leads to the Galactic Center, or spirit of
the Great Mother. This Venus Transit is calling for a deeper honesty
in relationships ruled by patriarchal societies. These masculine
rulers have created wars, power struggles, destruction, pollution,
fear, pain, separation and famine. They have shown little or no
respect for feminine wisdom or our Mother Earth. The world needs a
higher, spiritual love to manifest and prevail over the lower, more
selfish emotions. A world where unconditional, spiritual love prevails
is our potential as human beings. Conscious and unconscious fear-based
emotions are obstacles to this higher love. To discover and express
this kind of love, Humanity must first expose and cleanse the
fear-based emotions in our combined consciousness.

Since the Venus transit from 2004 - 2012 coincides with the Uranus in
Pisces cycle, relations between humans will develop on intuitive
levels. When Venus eclipsed the Sun, it blocked some of the Sun’s
light and exposed the dark side of Venus, which represents the shadow
side of our emotional natures. This began an eight-year process of
uncovering the shadows in our emotional relationships. These shadows
are the unresolved, repressed, fear-based psychological energies that
unconsciously cause dysfunctionality and unhappiness in our
relationships. They cause us to behave in ways that damage our
relationships, block intimacy, and cause breakdown in relations.
Essentially, these shadows block our ability to truly love another
person. We should never underestimate our power to influence the
evolution of the world. Each of us is an integral part of the combined
Consciousness of Humanity.
Hopefully, after eight years of processing the shadows of our
emotions, awakening intuition and developing compassion, we will have
cleared the psychological obstacles to unconditional love. Then,
harmony on Earth and kindness towards all people will be possible.
Sacred loves expand when the Divine in one person appreciates and
honors the Divine in another. Thus, the sacred wheel of love is
created and Peace on Earth will become a reality.

One of the keys to access Divine Feminine healing energy is through
forgiveness. Only when all is forgiven will total love be accessible
to us. We must forgive others and ourselves for all of the seeming
wrongs that have ever been done. We can heal ourselves if we are
willing to feel and express all of our emotions, and then to forgive
ourselves and others for all that we have professed as wrong. This
process will liberate us from the bondage of our emotional pain.
Forgiveness is the key to releasing ourselves from our past. When we
are liberated from our past and live fully in the “now” our true
happiness may be realized and our power to create is maximized.
This will help us have a peaceful and meaningful life in 2013.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic


"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength."
Sigmund Freud

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Sufi Art Works

The Exhibition "Rang - e - Raqs " at Al Ikhlas gallery was a huge
success. The artworks still available will be on sale

Season's greeting & Best wishes for 2013

Featured Works / Enquire for prices
Please contact us for further details.
Email: festivals@live.in

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Monday, December 10, 2012


The ocean to the lead and the connection is getting partial and
restricted as we reach closer to the shore. As we near the shore a
sudden piercing pain from the neck to shoulder joint to the back. The
pain is a indication of the bridge tapered and we are powerless to
cross since it’s extremely tight. You can overtake these few steps by
recalling the actions that can reduce the karmas.

The therapy is to wake up and seek unvarying pardon. Almighty the
radiance and the power of righteousness, please forgive my sins. By
deed or by dialogue, by judgment or by actions, selfishness or the
indefinite and ease me from the bondage of my conduct. This is the
only appeal.

Refund of debts, pardon by false belief, false practice, hatred,
anger, jealousy, venom, slander, indulging in false sexual
characteristics of god. As according to the message, there are no
numerous paths to divinity. The path is one and that of a straight
line. The path of sacrifice, charitable, humility, admiration,
sanctity, morality, ethical values, forgiveness, acceptance and
surrender. There is no any route of attainment.

There is no liberator as wrongly anticipated. The rescuer to your hope
is thoughts and actions.

Tina Petrova , Canadian Actress & Film Makers says this is our prayer
to the source:

In the way of Your love we are abject captives.”
None are so helplessly in love as we are.
Look at us: we are strangers in this place.
Have mercy on us; we are the poor of this city.
Our asceticism is not the type that shows its piety.
Nor will you see our faces among the dissolute.
We are neither of the model citizens nor the wretched drunks.
Not here, not there–who can say where we are?
Already annihilated we’re not afraid of the gallows.
Like Majnoon, we’re crazy in love with God.
Once we were scared by worries of misfortune,
now we ourselves are purely without fortune or worry.
The secret we share with You no one else knows.
They can have our head but they cannot take our secret.
Hell doesn’t frighten us, nor does heaven tempt us.
O My God, Just remove the veil from Your Face
and let us see You as You are.
Sense the heart of God-devoted Shams of Tabriz.
“Have mercy on us who have been burnt with God’s scorching heat.
(From Divan Shams e Tabriz

Related Article from 2012predictions.org ( written by unknown) : World
will end in 2012: This means that the whole world is entering into the
new AGE. That is the Golden AGE. In that world the current human
beings will not exist. That is we will not be there. This does not
mean that we will die. We will live in Golden AGE but we will not

Scientifically, our sub conscious level will be improved and our
brain’s current frequency is in alpha state. So we (our selfish mind)
will get erased. And our heart will be flowered. This will happen
within 2012 December 21. But in between we have to meet so many
hazards. So many new diseases will attack us. We will have many wars
among nations. Many natural disasters will also happen. But after this
"world comes to end" . We are going to Golden AGE from this KALI age.

With everything that is occurring now with the economy, disease, world
turning on its axis, and global warming and much more. It makes it
pretty clear to me that there is a huge possibility that the world
could end in 2012... The only people that should be worried about the
end are the people that don't believe in the big man above(god). If
you believe then you will be fine.

If the world ends it ends, there is nothing we can do about it now.
People are so worried about the world ending...and they should be. No
one cared way back when we were doing harm to the world, but all of a
sudden everyone realizes that the end is near and is freaking out! My
opinion is to do anything and everything you can to help fight global

It's not the end of the world. The era is about to change and for the
better. By the Grace of GOD anyone who seeks and believes that will
be saved. He is and will be, your ONLY SAFE HAVEN ( Physically and
spiritually speaking ). It is obvious that the WONDERS OF GOD are
present in the universe ( We will see Wormwood/The Destroyer in the
sky soon ) and notice the SPIRIT in our own bodies.

All we need to do is stop and look at the intricacy of our own bodies
to see that we are a system of order and not of chaos or chance. Order
can not be born of Chaos, Just ask any scientist. If not just look at
an explosion. The Big Bang, Evolution, and the 2012 End of the World
are a BIG LIE. We all know by simple or by complex observation that we
have a spirit and therefore anything of which relates to such as
spoken about it, or about our creation as described in the book of
Revelations and no-one can escape it by their preparations or deeds,
so you must be ready for the Rapture. The mass transformation and
travel to heaven. Something like the salvation Noah's Ark represented,
" It will be just like in the days of Noah" ( Calamity by Surprise for
those who are not in tune with him ).

If you believe in GOD will make perfect sense, if not RESEARCH it for
yourself with a heart of expectation, When the world changes to the
new age, it will be of a catastrophic nature in order that the new
earth can be established ( Very much like bulldozing over an old home
to build a Castle/Kingdom ), but be not afraid, for the LORD is in
control and the Rapture will cause you to be safe and you will not be
here on earth to experience the calamity unbelievers will experience.

On a personal note, I have had several Tribulation Date dreams which I
have confirmed by comparison . There is much more that I can talk
about but first I need to confirm it through further research. I have
personally experienced the LORD's loving presence and salvation from
many of the stupid things I have gotten myself into, and for now I
venture to tell you with confidence, that the seven years of
tribulation have begun. Some of the Proof of such are the facts you
are seeing in the news about preparations of a one world monetary
order and changes to our planet which are accelerating day by day.
Yes, many other signs must occur, and they probably will before I can
finish my research. The end of 2012 is a time of change and the goats
are about to be separated from the sheep, but so far I disagree with
the Dec. 21st. date. My dreams and research say several months earlier
in 2012, and as 2013 rolls in, the 2nd part of tribulation will
apparently be occurring. Our clock is no longer going Clockwise, and
the countdown has begun.

Please do more research for yourselves while focusing on getting your
lives in order with GOD, Nothing else will matter soon. I say all this
with the expectation of criticism, further questioning and mockery.
Christ was mocked, so I will expect nothing less. Otherwise, by not
opening my mouth, I would have failed to guide my brothers and
sisters . We are all about to take a leap of FAITH or die in vain by
self preservation. I will not condone Cain's actions by Not Being My
Brother's Keeper, and I hope that in a loving manner, I can warn my
brothers and sister as to the things I have come to know. GOD bless
you all, and may He open our eyes to the truth which is before us.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Secret of a Lost World

Ancient Mystery Revealed ( www.divineabodenews.com)

Billions of Years ago, the earth was minute, and it was the eastern part of the globe where the primary being ever come into endurance. There was no religion but a culture of love. This was the Abode as per the Mystical disclosure open to the fundamentals. The loss of the kingdom to the Dark Forces leads to the separation of the Masculine and the Divine Feminine . Billions of years of effort with abundant defeat she once more emerges with the mightiness of a tornado, the intensity of an injured shield, the trident of legitimacy and the sharp edge of the tresses.

Her triumph is destined
Her verdict is the decree for humanity
The Kingdom of the Dark destroyed
The reconstruction of her Abode 
The laws will be enforced of Values
A World of Music, Art & Culture is the future (revealed on 6th December 2012)

Further she reveals of the Vicious wind that blew the dwelling on the mountains preying on the secret of the conception. The core of her dwelling is surrounded by the beautiful Aravalli Mountain Range. The rich heritage of Palace & Museum, Terrains, Mountains of the Taragarh, the historical Aravalli with Temples, Foy Sagar, Chamunda Mata Temple, Ajaipal Ruins, The Brahma Temples, The Nag Mountains The Chilla, Lake Anasagar to the Dargah Sharif...

The flaming energy of daylight and virtuous unveil the saga of the dreadful mace, the time when her territory was ‘the power of the cosmos." The undisclosed secret of a lost world opens to the fundamentals. Fierce wind blew the dwelling on the peak from the Taragarh unto the Aravalli preying on the secret of the formation. The realm a secret of a lost race with treachery and deceitfulness. The globe shook with the control of the twist, with the rains of rue, cloaks scorched to remains, “tresses and pin, Clays to the nature were twisted pale. The secret knowledge stolen, the sphere infected with numerous warfare. Her abode amid the mount destroyed. The crest impure in the midst of invasion designed as the hissing of the enemy from the foundation until the zenith. Her naïve self seeks justice from the emerged city, lost in the terrains with the souls held and chained in captive. The ancient dwellings from the Himalayas to the mystical Aravalli.

The triumph stated is designed by her spirit this day. The volcanic emergence of a wounded warrior detaching numerous cloaks alongside. The vow to cross the threshold to attain the stolen empire. Not any can bring to a halt the restoration of the heavenly dwelling on Earth. The jungles of Taragarh towards the winding path into the dense Aravalli, the ruins of the past break her numerous times. She heads and gapes at the reflection in the stream and weep for the crush of her lost grandeur. She winds towards the dense mountains to witness the ruins and the adulterated water on her wonder as sacred. She weeps in the misty clouds unaided in her solidarity until the principal slumber.

The Divine Feminine penetrates into the darkness of the dooms towards the dwelling of her ancestors. Her tears of rue as every peaks are impure with the venomous strength. Her eternal trail amid the long and winding hills with determination down the valleys towards the mysterious high plateaus, the rocky path, amid the countless defeat of the past she now emerges fearless in the dense jungles unfolding the Lotus divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment.

The growth of the soul and the beauty of the spirit untouched by her purity of heart and mind of the mud-spattered to dispirit her being. The progeny of the Himalaya betrothed in the captured Aravalli. Her realm of concentric illustration establishes a sacred space, for rumination and astounds stimulus. The blazing fiery of her rage will blaze up the venomous sovereignty in flames. The army in the foundation will be scorched to ashes.

The progeny of the ancient Himalayas combines the force of her mind, body and spirit to declare a war against the cosmos as none can be there her army was scorched to ashes and held captive amid the chains of illusion. Her dwellings from the peak of Himalaya to the Aravalli captured. Her progeny, her beloved, her army, her priest, infected with the venom. Her treasures plundered and now her vow to reinstate the Kingdom of truth. The secret of the plundered fortune could not be unlocked with numerous efforts. The mysterious code to unlock the secrets is her weapon that will now bring the triumph. The silence amid the mystical mount screams for the comeback of the realism. Her restoration of the ruins will be the Golden Age.

References:  http://www.beforeus.com/atomiccity.html


Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Global Warming Solution

Announcement of Great News and the Universal declaration to the Truth.pdf Download this file

She is the mace she is the reality
Her triumph is a proclamation
She has arrived with a speed of a

As for the Global Warming I am enclosing the News for your review. I
am confident that this task within the designated time period must be
initiated. Of course there is nothing called the world comes to an end
and the graves will open up. The end of the Millennium however the
implications will be experienced in the transition of the next innings
if this is not implemented and followed.
I also believe that my recommended approach will have credibility with
the involved.
Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your support
in our cause by forwarding the news to all your contacts, websites and

The content written by Gulshaa Begum
Highly skilled & Mastery in the following
Visualization Ability & Clairvoyant authority
Telepathic ability, Authority on Psychic Vampires
(Healing, Psychic Defense, Psychic Spirit Control)
Astral Projection, Astral Plane, Spiritual Path

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Redemption and Transformation.

Announcement of Great News and the Universal declaration to the Truth
This is an authentic announcement. Each one is free to accept or deny the fact revealed here.

To all of Humanity.
As for the Global Warming I am enclosing the News for your review. I am confident that this task within the designated time period must be initiated. Of course there is nothing called the world comes to an end and the graves will open up. The end of the Millennium however the implications will be experienced in the transition of the next innings if this is not implemented and followed.
I also believe that my recommended approach will have credibility with the involved.
Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your support in our cause by forwarding the news to all your contacts, websites and blogs.

The content written by Gulshaa Begum
Highly skilled & Mastery in the following
Visualization Ability & Clairvoyant authority
Telepathic ability, Authority on Psychic Vampires
(Healing, Psychic Defense, Psychic Spirit Control)
Astral Projection, Astral Plane, Spiritual Path

Date: 4th December, 2012
Place: (India)
This article is in the conflict-resolution solution.
Email: festivals@live.in
Website: www.divineabodenews.com

Act of exclusive rights: You are hereby appealed not change the contents of the concern if you wish to post it anywhere. In addition for retaining the authenticity of the contents, kindly make sure you add the link to the site.
This does not approve anyone to make any records, books or printing without the consent as the foundation.
All facts and data furnished is accurate and not designed to part or denounce any spiritual or religious beliefs. We have laid down all information as per the insights and observations provided to the mystic. You are free of will have to follow.
A announcement made in the public interest for the Global warming crisis.
If you guesstimate fit to volunteer as part of saving humanity you may post the same to all your friends, family or colleagues.

Big Bang Theory – Divine Feminine the Revelation
The untold mystery of the universe, the origin and development of life must be resolved.

We are approaching the end of a World Age. In both cases . However, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message here concerns our making a choice, of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with disastrous changes or gradual peace and tranquility.
The Solution for Global Warming and Conflict Resolution Worldwide: The Divine Feminine reveals the transgression, morality, and verdict. The earth is saying something with record to heat, drought, storms and fire. She shows the Reality of the Hidden Mystery and what global warming looks like. It's time to listen – and take action.

It’s time to listen in peace, her voice, in tranquility her pain. She speaks of exploitation, disparage, Rape, Injustice, inequity, abandoned, tormented. Who is she?
We may call her the soul of Earth or the Mother of all Healing. It took me time to identify the expressions of the Divine Feminine. It took me a great deal of surrenders to know the concept, and I struggled within me with the control and the revolution not insightful of the grounds.

The concept of peace, the concept of Global warming is possible if only we realize our potential input in the process to help the Divine Mother Creator to successfully ally her energy into a system where honorable values, principled ideals, the foundation of unification must be valued with honesty and integrity. In a loving relationship, there is no such thing as power, or control. The feminine energy is never truly free unless and until the masculine energy shows up for real and is ready and willing to protect and serve.

The Conflict and intolerance will be resolved with the Divine Feminine as an intermediate force between God (Allah) and humanity. This intervening force is characterized by God’s mercy, pardon, appeal and Humility- the Embodiment of God’s love for creation. The role of the Divine Feminine has been described and explored as the Emerging Ruh in Sufi Psychology, Dantian the Sephiroth of kabbalah and the chakras of Indian Tantra and the Shakthi of the Kundalini yoga...She is the masked bride as referred by the medieval writers and poets.

The Need of the Hour: In the spiritual path, the primordial energy force calls for a strict moral and ethical code to be followed. The fanaticism that we see in modern times is a new development in the male emergence of dominance and power. The universal law of nature in the form of superior divine energy is a combination of the male and the feminine energy. However, she is not competent to fit herself with the modern advanced technology and scientific world.
She is of values and culture. This is the Eternal truth, and the reality which most cultures are well aware.
Peace, Global Warming cannot be achieved by dialogue. We must get ready to create the much-needed synchronization and the resolution to the calamity.

The Reality: 
Billions of Years ago, the earth was minute, and it was in the eastern part of the globe where the primary being ever come into endurance. There was no religion but a culture of love. This was the Abode as per the Mystical disclosure open to the fundamentals. The loss of the kingdom to the Dark Forces leads to the separation of the Masculine and the Divine Feminine . Billions of years of effort with abundant defeat she once more emerges with the mightiness of a tornado, the intensity of an injured shield, the trident of legitimacy and the sharp edge of the tresses.
The theory is of duality considerably before the earth planet came into existence or slightly known to us. The celestial abode possessed the Masculine and the Feminine force. The Dark force is the Energy which invaded the Divine Realm. The thought that exists at the core of Black Hole is the infected Kundalini Mother. The base chakra reveals the story of existence and the History of the Universe.
Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinite small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something . It existed as the heaven or the abode of the Heavenly. It was expanded and inflated by the Dark forces, plundering and disarming the kingdom, the possessions of the marvelous Kingdom. This led to the separation of the Divine Feminine from its Male complement. The phase of the new beginning of life took place and the Earth was expanded further, and new initiations took place to reinstate the Evil plans as the Divine designs . This led to the beginning of the Illusory World.
As promised, by the Evil, we are veiled and absent from the Divine truth. What most do not understand is, When Evil was certain that he was doomed, the resolved to mislead whomever he could from the children of Almighty, so that they would be with him in Hell. He declared he would mislead. I shall adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.
The charming clustered planet has such confidence in ensnaring his victims openly from all sides and making us then succumb to the temptations. The world appears pretty and attempting works on ways to lure man, limit his perspective to the gains, pleasures and enjoyment of this world alone, and make him forget the path that is been chalked out for all human beings.
The Dark Force’s ultimate goal is to make people go astray and eventually to turn them into polytheists at a minimum. The way the negative force pursues that goal varies in accordance with the interests and Inclination of his victim.
For example, houses of piety to attack the pious; scholarly disciplines to attack scholars; false reasoning and logic for those who take pride in being knowledgeable, and ignorance to attack the ignorant.
The negative force, as well as the other evil spirits, are fallen Jinn, who have the power to appear to people as generous. What appears to some to be a "Divine Light" is, in reality, the" Shining Darkness" of Evil. Despite the attractiveness, and apparent concern shown by these "Spirit Guides," these spirits will ultimately lead to unworldly cruelty and other forms of transcendent annihilation here on Earth, and possibly serious consequences in the life to come with occult and other forbidden Practices.

The Earth Infected and Vampires have possessed: Relationships of too many negative associations have overshadowed the positive association. Most men and women are possessed by psychic vampires who make the men use their masculine energy in a very bad way (rape, sexual / mental / emotional abuse, child abuse, sexual encounters)
The maximum number of male energy are infected by the psychic vampires gains his dominance through the energy of the female. It’s like the positive and negative charges. This translates to the feminine and masculine energy. The modern world of technology, science, immoral extravagance is the root cause of the destruction. Some women are more masculine at their core, but most are not. Men have feminine energy as well. Most males are masculine at their core. The Psychic vampire could be your spouse, your boss, your boyfriend, a customer, or best friend. There is no way to tell a psychic vampire by simply looking at them unless you have clairvoyant abilities and can see the aura of a psychic vampire.
In this rare case you would see trendils, an abnormality in the aura which is used to perforate the victim's aura and drain them of energy. Also a possible that you could also be a psychic vampire and may want takes action to heal you on the energetic level including protecting yourself from psychic attacks. People do not know that they are having physical relation with psychic vampires. They have no knowledge of how their energy system works or know how to work with their own vital energy. Also the reason for the infection on mankind is due to misled spiritual practice of Kundalini knowledge to gain wealth, immortality, greater psychic ability etc.
These people are misguided by the negative side of spirituality and should be avoided. Chances are that if you have a psychic vampire in your life that person is completely unaware of it and are unaware that their actions are harming others around them. The best method of escaping any negative influence is to raise your own vibratory frequencies. This will place your energy bodies on a higher frequency astral plane which is inaccessible to negative energy. The centuries of practices such as witchcraft, voodoo, black magic, necromancy, and psychic vampirism has infected the Earth and all its beings. Lots of people are infected by Sexual Vampires which obtain its victim's vital energies through sexual intercourse. It is hard for women to be truly feminine in today’s society, since there are lots of offensively egocentric people infected by the psychic vampires and once they see vulnerability – they will step all over it with stable pattern of abuse and repression. The Male Dominance of prejudice and torment sequence include criticize, disrepute, Sexual cruelty, vocal exploitation, bodily violence. In fact, at times there is no denying that Women are the worst to other Women.

This calls for Healing and forgiveness to be seeked of the Divine Feminine. The Healing of each one will take place on a universal level. The pessimistic emotion of detestation, envy, illegitimate sex is the illusory. If you can tap into the power you will see the Reality that is taking place behind the Veil. The constant nourish on the Feminine energy has left the Divine Feminine battered, crushed elapsed, alienated, injured, damage, disregarded and raped frequently in the vision of the darkness of the ego.
The best way to escape is the ongoing emergency. The answer lies within the core of our being. Take refuge to heal and cleanse yourself and enter the new age world without the Vampires accompanying you as your spouse or lover or a friend.

How can we contribute to the Global Warming and what can be done
Action and Solution : (The action is each ones free will choice) The method given here is for all irrespective of Religion or possessed by jinn’s or evil spirits or if you feel normal.
1. The foremost and the primary of all are to disengage from scriptures, religious ceremony, and recitation of any scriptures. Take all the religious pictures, manuscripts, books or any other material like taweez, threads, oil, powders or any material which represents faith, belief or religion. Wrap it all in a black cloth. Ideally it is recommended to leave it in flowing water. However if one is finding it difficult than just keep it somewhere in a room where this will not be opened until the end of the year.
2. Stop visiting any of the spiritual healers or stop all guidelines given to you and implement the natural way to banish the jinn’s, spirits, vampires forever. Even for some who are possessed by such spirits for 4 or longer period can implement.
3. In some case if the deities are too huge than you may cover it with white or black cloth for the next 30 days. And do not pray on it or light lamps.
4. Immediate take refuge within the values of moral, ethical system. Cut off all relations, who lack respect, acceptance, conviction, unification, love. Detach any feelings of sadness or attachment; make forgiveness to the others who hurt you. Do not make a choice to be a victim as it’s a deceptive world.
5. All mirrors must be covered or veiled in the day and specially the nights.
6. Do not visit any holy places. Stop all evil or sacred practices
7. Rock Salt in your surrounding is another immediate protection. Bowls of rock salt placed in each rooms of your home including the toilets. This will stop the entry of all evil spirits, jinn’s, and vampires.
8. Take water with 1 bowl of rock salt in it and mop your homes immediately. The second mop on the 25th December 2012.
9. Burn only sandal wood incense in the evenings.
10. Keep yourself hygiene. Make sure you wash yourself whenever you use the toilet. Clean any urinary splashes immediately. Make sure you wash your hands and feet before you come out of the toilet to cut any kind of energy.
11. For couples who are married make sure that you have a head bath immediately after you have a physical relation with your spouse. For the rest kindly do not engage in any sexual activity and maintain the code of morality.
12. The smell of Food like egg, meat , fish is another way of entertaining the spirits. To be safe do not make non vegetarian food at home or eat outside until the end of the month.
13. Refrain from all alcoholic drinks too.
14. Let go of the past hurts, the pains, the men who may have hurt you or taken advantage of you , let go of your need to be ‘in control’, let go of the need to be ‘strong’ and vicious. As we heal the planet heals and so does the evolution is much more with peace, pardon and with silence. Our failure in our planetary duties indulge ourselves in the world of covetousness is the root cause of all calamities and destruction.
During this period at any given point do not pray, chant, dikr, mantras, sura, verses or the similar.

Immediate Implementation: If you choose to help the mission of Global Warming and resolve the Conflict than one must Contribute to the cause not by way of cash or cheque or open dialogue or preach to a certain extent take the First initiative towards the purification process, breaking down the old cycle of the base and start reconstruction. This calls for reinstating the ethical set of laws of behavior to all those who are physically abused, tormented by way of relationships. Know your feminine potential, the authority of your energy, which is within you. Do not give yourself in any way towards exploitation. Take to silence and withdrawal. Do not be angry with your abuser as it’s not their fault. Forgive them and begin your protection.

For the Men: A strict value oriented system. This is by thoughts, by action, Physical, verbal or emotional. Gather your Masculine Energy and Take Refuge within the Ethical and Moral Code of Conduct which is of extreme significance. The idea behind the use of rumination, Art, Culture, Music is to keep the mind fresh of all deviating thoughts. It is very difficult to follow the system in a universe where one sees the sparkle, technology and the sway of glamour.

The Revelation of the Feminine Force: A divine conflict stated with the forces of shadows.

The Need of the Hour: The chains must be broken, and the reinstate of the Divine goddess must take place. This will allow the goddess to balance her energies with the Planet Earth. Let’s welcome her arrival for she is all magnanimous and generous. We must begin grounding to bring home the Mother, the harmony, Love, kind and thoughtful.

How does our contribution work: Break the power of the Egoistic kingdom of Atrocities and Dominance.
This is towards Amendment and Regret. If each one of us contributes our energy the influence of the dart of the Dark Forces will split. As we begin to lock up the door of our mind to his Desires his armed forces deteriorate. The undisclosed mace will break the Foundation of the forceful Dark realm. Let’s sever the Chains and barrier where we have been the slaves of his steady craving.

Good versus Evil:
Let’s be a part of a Mission and be an element of Light as we transit into the new period by regaining the lost glory of control, belief, Love, therapeutic, moral and Ethical values.
The longest epic Mahabharata at the very core transcends culture and religion with a simple theme that all of mankind can relate too. It is a story of good versus evil, of families in turmoil, of jealousy and betrayal and at the heart of it all, a fight for the truth.
As Lord Krishna say ‘Whenever virtue declines and unrighteousness rises, I manifest myself as an embodied being. To protect the Saints and Sages, to destroy the evil-doers and to establish Dharma (righteousness), I am born from age to age. -Bhagavad Gita 4.7 and 4.8
The Primacy of the Feminine beyond all is the infinite eternal mystery of God’s uncreated Essence, the ultimate spiritual Reality, calling to the souls who love God to come home and find perfect peace. That is why Ibn al-‘Arabi says Allah can be referred to as both huwa (He) and hiya (She).

Volunteer: There are many women and men out there who have been healed of such Psychic Vampires by me in the past few months. They are aware of the ways and how this can be guided. However, due to principled bond, we cannot reveal the names. At the same time, any one of them desires to the mission, and the cause can connect to the Global Community and guide them with what is been imparted to you. Perhaps this can help in a chain of healing each other. If anyone connects to kindly remember to simply follow them without many questions. They can speak of their experience to you if they feel appropriate.
If anyone who have been helped before can write a testimony here to help the rest take a bold step forward. Perhaps your experience and the statement will give confidence to the others.
Also the ones who have been helped before too must implement the above with immediate effect to help us realize our source and the truth of all our existence.

The Result: A optimistic new millennium where marvelous shift in the structure, mind, conflict, resolution, exploitation, love, matrimony, value, impartiality association will take place. Forward the piece of writing to all your contacts and links all over the globe.
And help them transit into the shift with peace and harmony towards a new beginning. A life of harmony, peace, tranquility promise and union.

A Sufi Ode to the Divine Mother
On the face of the earth there is no one more beautiful than you
Wherever I go I wear your image in my heart
Whenever I fall in a despondent mood I remember your image
And my spirit rises a thousand fold
Your advent is the blossom time of the Universe
O Mother you have showered your choicest blessings upon me
Also remember me on the Day of Judgment
I don’t know if I will go to heaven or hell
But wherever I go, please always abide in me.

The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment.
According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. What is a "singularity" and where does it come from? Well, to be honest, we don't know for sure. Singularities are zones which defy our current understanding of physics. They are thought to exist at the core of "black holes." Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure. The pressure is thought to be so intense that finite matter is actually squished into infinite density (a mathematical concept which truly boggles the mind). These zones of infinite density are called "singularities." Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something - a singularity. Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know.
After its initial appearance, it apparently inflated (the "Big Bang"), expanded and cooled, going from very, very small and very, very hot, to the size and temperature of our current universe. It continues to expand and cool to this day and we are inside of it: incredible creatures living on a unique planet, circling a beautiful star clustered together with several hundred billion other stars in a galaxy soaring through the cosmos, all of which is inside of an expanding universe that began as an infinitesimal singularity which appeared out of nowhere for reasons unknown. This is the Big Bang theory.

Big Bang Theory - Common Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions surrounding the Big Bang theory. For example, we tend to imagine a giant explosion. Experts however say that there was no explosion; there was (and continues to be) an expansion. Rather than imagining a balloon popping and releasing its contents, imagine a balloon expanding: an infinitesimally small balloon expanding to the size of our current universe.
Another misconception is that we tend to image the singularity as a little fireball appearing somewhere in space. According to the many experts however, space didn't exist prior to the Big Bang. Back in the late '60s and early '70s, when men first walked upon the moon, "three British astrophysicists, Steven Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose turned their attention to the Theory of Relativity and its implications regarding our notions of time. In 1968 and 1970, they published papers in which they extended Einstein's Theory of General Relativity to include measurements of time and space.1, 2 According to their calculations, time and space had a finite beginning that corresponded to the origin of matter and energy."3The singularity didn't appear in space; rather, space began inside of the singularity. Prior to the singularity, nothing existed, not space, time, matter, or energy - nothing. So where and in what did the singularity appear if not in space? We don't know. We don't know where it came from, why it's here, or even where it is. All we really know is that we are inside of it and at one time it didn't exist and neither did we.

Big Bang Theory - Evidence for the Theory
What are the major evidences which support the Big Bang theory?
First of all, we are reasonably certain that the universe had a beginning.
Second, galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called "Hubble's Law," named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929. This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted.
Third, if the universe was initially very, very hot as the Big Bang suggests, we should be able to find some remnant of this heat. In 1965, Radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery.
Finally, the abundance of the "light elements" Hydrogen and Helium found in the observable universe are thought to support the Big Bang model of origins.

References: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012-alignment.html
The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul
Publication Date: November 1, 2009
Over the past two decades Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee has given different teachings on the feminine and the anima mundi, the World Soul. They are compiled in his book for the first time.
Book Description: The feminine holds the mystery of creation. This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, we need to reawaken to the spiritual power and potential of the feminine. Feminine qualities belong to both men and women, and they draw us into the depths within us, into the mysteries of the soul whose wisdom is called Sophia. Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence—we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and transformation.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Are they the Peace Makers??

There is a huge insurgence of delivering peace globally. A shift with
respect to a new millennium. Spiritual Leaders, Guides, organizations
are propagating the message of Peace. World Peace Day is observed in
nearly all countries. Each one is striving to be a part of huge
missions in diverse countries. Is everyone honestly going to propagate
the message of peace? Is the assembly going to help to progress
towards world peace? Are the spiritual Leaders and so-called
intellectuals flawless in what they advocate? If they were
accomplished why have they not looked around at their distinctive
locality where there is so much of disturbance, poverty, rape, abuse,
violence. If one is interested in advocating world peace why not begin
it in your characteristic locality. Why go anywhere else when you can
work at a grass root level in your l country or area? 

The truth is if  true compassion for world peace  ever existed than one would first try
to look at the disturbance around his surrounding and work towards it.
When the cry of Humanity is unheard here how can one hear the pain  elsewhere.

 I guess peace cannot be brought in by personal agendas. If  one  wish to attain World Peace one
need to first look within themselves if they are living rightfully and do they deserve to preach others on peace, Humanity and Love when they have never practiced. 

 Love, Peace, Values or Honesty.
I suppose it's very easy to be preaching peace in the world when one
need to first find peace within his own self. If you forget about who
you are, where you come from and look for sincere answers within you.
You will realize that peace is needed within us.

 If each of us takes responsibility for our own actions and looks within us than there is
no need to organise any event or speak on the subject or propogate.

Peace is Silence, Not the hue and cry. 
mere waste of time, energy  and Money and Shallaow.

True tranquility is to find the truthfulness within us. 

To  grasp our errors and make revision and strive to reform
. Forgive  and regret our sin,

 Accept our circumstances as our own conduct 

and submission to the will of Allah. 

This is the one and only way to attain sincere world peace.
Rest is Illusion 

The propogaters of peace  are the biggest conflict makers Globally.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Diwali

A warm Diwali wish for every happiness. May the warmth and splendor,
that are a part of this auspicious occasion, fill your life with
happiness and bright cheer, and bring to you joy and prosperity, for
the whole year.

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Islam on accusing a woman of Adultery

Allah Most High says,

“Those who slander chaste secured, and believing women are cursed in
this life and in the hereafter: for them is a grievous chastisement.
On the day when their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear
witness against them as to their as to their actions.” (24: 23-24)

Allah the Almighty in these verses makes it clear that whosoever
unjustly accuses as chaste free woman of committing adultery is cursed
both in this world and in the hereafter, and deserves grave

The Prophet, too, forbade a man to wrongfully accuse his bondman or
his slave girl of committing adultery.

A person who accuses his maid servant with adultery, will be subjected
to the punishment of slandering on the Day of Judgement unless he
happens to be true”

A lot of ignorant people are indulged in such offenses which procure
the chastisement in this world and in the hereafter.

When a person says something unknowingly right or wrong, it may lead
him to fall down in hell as far away as the distance between the east
and west.

Mu’az b. Jabal asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Will we be called to
account for what we say?” The Prophet answered “May you be lost to
your mother! The people will be thrown with their face.” down, into
the hell only on account of the product of the tongues “i.e. their
talking: ” He who believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection should
speak well. Otherwise, he should keep silent.”

Allah says,

“Not a word does he utter but there is a vigilant Guardian” (50:18)

‘Uqbah Ibn ‘ Amir once asked the Prophet (pbuh),

“What is the salvation, Allah’s Apostle?” The Prophet said, “Control
your tongue, keep inside your house, and weep (be sorry) for your
sins. And the person farthest from Allah will be the one whose heart
is hard”

Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Mystic